Who wants to live for 1000 years??

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Very Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Central Coast, NSW
Would you want to live for 1000 years??

It may seem like the stuff of science fiction films, but according to a longevity expert, scientists will have the tools to "cure" ageing within our lifetime, enabling humans to live for 1000 years.
Dr Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist and chief of Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), a foundation based in California dedicated to longevity research, says that within 25 years we will have eradicated diseases, drastically increasing our life expectancy, Reuters reported.
"I'd say we have a 50:50 chance of bringing ageing under what I'd call a decisive level of medical control within the next 25 years or so," Dr de Grey said.
"And what I mean by decisive is the same sort of medical control that we have over most infectious diseases today."
Dr de Grey said that to stay in top health, people will visit their doctors for routine "maintenance", which will include gene and stem cell therapy, immune stimulation and other medical techniques.
Dr de Grey attributes ageing to molecular and cellular damage throughout the body.
"The idea is to engage in what you might call preventative geriatrics, where you go in to periodically repair that molecular and cellular damage before it gets to the level of abundance that is pathogenic," he said.
According to Dr de Grey, each major advance in longevity will buy more time for more scientific advances, meaning the first person to live to 1000 will be born only 20 years after the first person to live to 150.
"I call it longevity escape velocity — where we have a sufficiently comprehensive panel of therapies to enable us to push back the ill health of old age faster than time is passing," he said.
"And that way, we buy ourselves enough time to develop more therapies further as time goes on.
"What we can actually predict in terms of how long people will live is absolutely nothing, because it will be determined by the risk of death from other causes, like accidents.
"But there really shouldn't be any limit imposed by how long ago you were born. The whole point of maintenance is that it works indefinitely."

Human life expectancy will reach '1000 years', scientist says
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Goddddd I hope not...
I already say I want to be euthanized at 60 max O____O
Ew. The human body expires at a 100 years or so for a reason, I can't imagine anyone having too good a quality of life after that, let alone several more centuries after! I'd say that it'd be interesting to live that long and see the progression of technology, but considering that the majority of scientific resources would be devoted to health, cool things like flying cars and bringing back dinosaurs to ride to work would be neglected.

Although I am curious to see if people would still use the expression "but life's too short ".
I'd like to know how stem cell therapy could include brain cells, and how genetics has anything non-negligible to do with ageing. Your genotype doesn't determine how old you are, they can't plug into your chromosomes and wind back your clock. I've always wanted to get a few extra centuries in though =)
I think it would be awesome!! Bring it on :D Although there would have to be some measures added to birth rates... less deaths + same amount of births = toooooo many people :?
Ew. The human body expires at a 100 years or so for a reason, I can't imagine anyone having too good a quality of life after that...
I'm sure they said the same thing a couple of centuries ago when someone suggested we could live well into our 80s in the future.
Didn't read the article to see if the "scientist" actually knows what they are talking about but as has been said, birth rates will become a huge issue even if we can increase life expectancy by a few decades. There's already too many of us
if i lived for 1000 years i reckon i could safely keep a car licence for more than 20 years
Hummmm... imagine how many reptiles I would have by then? Not to mention the amount of morphs being produced by then ;)
I'd like to know how stem cell therapy could include brain cells, and how genetics has anything non-negligible to do with ageing. Your genotype doesn't determine how old you are, they can't plug into your chromosomes and wind back your clock. I've always wanted to get a few extra centuries in though =)
Stem cells are cells that can differentiate to become any specific cell in the human body, including brain cells. The technology being talked about is that one could have a genotype profile taken, later on that persons genotype could be plugged into new stem cells which would be used to replace the existing cells in a human body thus eliminating the mutation that occurs in human cells leading to aging. Effectively this could lead to much more than 1000 yrs more like forever.

I just want to live to be 101, then I wouldve lived in 3 centuries ;)
107 for me and that is my aim in life also.

Ew. The human body expires at a 100 years or so for a reason, I can't imagine anyone having too good a quality of life after that, let alone several more centuries after! I'd say that it'd be interesting to live that long and see the progression of technology, but considering that the majority of scientific resources would be devoted to health, cool things like flying cars and bringing back dinosaurs to ride to work would be neglected.

The thing about this technology is that as it is cellularly replacing the mutated cells that cause aging it would actually completely remove all effects of aging such as wrinkles, or even mental instabilities.
As harsh as it sounds, here I was thinking death was a rather good method of population control :\
That's it, you'd definitely have to limit reproduction.

You guys saying there would be no quality of life are missing the point of what is trying to be achieved. They are trying to slow the aging process so people stay youthful for that amount of time.

I sure hope it happens in my lifetime and I can have a crack at it.
Money makes money. Once you have paid off a mortgage, most or your wage becomes disposable. So all you'd need to do is put it into a bank and live off the interest. I think the opposite would end up being true and everyone would be a millionaire
It all comes down to quality. Id live for 1000yrs, but not if i was bed ridden. Or mentally instable :lol: Cant say i like the idea of working until im 600 though!!!!
Itd be cool, and if they can pull it off itd be amazing.. but im not sure id want to live through certain things that im sure will happen in the next 1000 years.
No need to retire if you aren't getting old and decrepid though :lol:

Edit: Didn't see this last page of comments... So now my comment really doesn't fit in lol.
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