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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
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Sorry about asking question's on here all the time, but I like to know from the best reptile keepers and breeders.

So here's another question that I need answered so I know I'll be doing the correct thing for my Stimson Python.

The enclosure I have is 4ft in length, would it be okay if I placed a tile inside the enclosure then put the heat mat on the tile, then the click-clack?
Would it work if I placed a tile inside the adult enclosure then put the heat mat on the tile, then the click-clack?

If I do it like this will there be enough air circulation and an appropriate thermal graduate.
4ft enclosure rather large for stimi.... Cause u will need it for a larger carpet when the addiction sets in :)
Haha :) believe me this won't be my last snake :p

Is it okay for me to put my hatchies tub into the adult sized enclosure?, like put a tile in the enclosure, then put the heat mat on the tile then put my hatchies click-clack on the heat mat?

I'm just a bit concurred if there will be enough air circulation and an appropriate thermal gradient, if I do it this way.
Haha :) believe me this won't be my last snake :p

Is it okay for me to put my hatchies tub into the adult sized enclosure?, like put a tile in the enclosure, then put the heat mat on the tile then put my hatchies click-clack on the heat mat?

I'm just a bit concurred if there will be enough air circulation and an appropriate thermal gradient, if I do it this way.
Yes it's fine but only place 1/3 of click clack over mat that is controlled by a stat set at 32/34 .... And make sure the tub has holes low on the warm side and high on the cool side.... Pm me if u need further info regarding pics etc via email.... Ta ... Pete
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