just wondering if anyone can tell me if my late dragon was a central or eastern?
he was varying ages in these pictures - when we bought him we were told he was a eastern. but the more we look at pictures of other peoples dragons, the more we think he was a central.
When he shed his skin he would have bright oranges, greens and yellows all over his head and down his back. we were thinking maybe his passing had to do with the fact we werent feeding him the right diet because we were feeding him an eastern diet, rather than central. is there a huge difference?
Our local vet is really good with reptiles and told us that it wasnt a parasite that killed him, and thought it might have been sort of a genetic disease and that there wasnt much we could do for him. We fed him through a syringe for about a week because he stopped eating and pretty much wasted away within a couple of weeks. We also had to give him electrolytes and something else to fatten him up. it was very sad - he was only about 10 months old. Anyway, let me know what you think.
just wondering if anyone can tell me if my late dragon was a central or eastern?
he was varying ages in these pictures - when we bought him we were told he was a eastern. but the more we look at pictures of other peoples dragons, the more we think he was a central.
When he shed his skin he would have bright oranges, greens and yellows all over his head and down his back. we were thinking maybe his passing had to do with the fact we werent feeding him the right diet because we were feeding him an eastern diet, rather than central. is there a huge difference?
Our local vet is really good with reptiles and told us that it wasnt a parasite that killed him, and thought it might have been sort of a genetic disease and that there wasnt much we could do for him. We fed him through a syringe for about a week because he stopped eating and pretty much wasted away within a couple of weeks. We also had to give him electrolytes and something else to fatten him up. it was very sad - he was only about 10 months old. Anyway, let me know what you think.