Is this dragon a central or eastern???

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Nov 28, 2008
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just wondering if anyone can tell me if my late dragon was a central or eastern?

he was varying ages in these pictures - when we bought him we were told he was a eastern. but the more we look at pictures of other peoples dragons, the more we think he was a central.

When he shed his skin he would have bright oranges, greens and yellows all over his head and down his back. we were thinking maybe his passing had to do with the fact we werent feeding him the right diet because we were feeding him an eastern diet, rather than central. is there a huge difference?

Our local vet is really good with reptiles and told us that it wasnt a parasite that killed him, and thought it might have been sort of a genetic disease and that there wasnt much we could do for him. We fed him through a syringe for about a week because he stopped eating and pretty much wasted away within a couple of weeks. We also had to give him electrolytes and something else to fatten him up. it was very sad - he was only about 10 months old. Anyway, let me know what you think.


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sorry for your loss, i think it is a central because it looks a bit like my central, not positive though
looks central, if the breeder said he was eastern, he could have been a hybrid...

dun dun dun...
sorry to hear that. :(

looks central to me,....
yep looks so alike to my centrals i will show u my centrals and my eastern

this is my eastern
these r my centrals
Thanks for that - we went back the supplier this week and they were selling "easterns" again.... but they looked central as well. Bloody dodgy suppliers! we are looking for a breeder in our area, but arent having any luck (North Queensland) - if anyone knows of a reliable breeder, please let me know. Will be willing to pay for freight to get one here.

Conan was really into his woodies and crickets then all of a sudden stopped eating them... he would rush the bowl of vegies we put in for him, then just stopped eating everything - he was about 11 months. I tried to give him new stuff when he stopped eating like spinach and mango and hibiscus flowers, but he wouldnt even look at it. his vegie diet was parsley, zucchini, apple and a small amount of banana - plus his calcium powder.

Does the diet of a central vary alot from the eastern? i.e. do they prefer different foods.
Thanks for that - we went back the supplier this week and they were selling "easterns" again.... but they looked central as well. Bloody dodgy suppliers! we are looking for a breeder in our area, but arent having any luck (North Queensland) - if anyone knows of a reliable breeder, please let me know. Will be willing to pay for freight to get one here.

Conan was really into his woodies and crickets then all of a sudden stopped eating them... he would rush the bowl of vegies we put in for him, then just stopped eating everything - he was about 11 months. I tried to give him new stuff when he stopped eating like spinach and mango and hibiscus flowers, but he wouldnt even look at it. his vegie diet was parsley, zucchini, apple and a small amount of banana - plus his calcium powder.

Does the diet of a central vary alot from the eastern? i.e. do they prefer different foods.

Sounds all good, though spinach can stop a beardie from absorbing calcium.
Both beardie types have a very similar diet, you'll do fine with either.

As for the death of your beardie, i could'nt say for sure.
Possibly parasites? Possibly something to do with your temps? or UV supply? Or impaction?
I have put his pic up before. Gives you an idea of the difference between an eastern and a central.

The Eastern is on the right and the Central is on the left.
The pic is a little blurry, but you get the idea.


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yeah, we looked at the pictures and Conan was definately a central.

Sounds all good, though spinach can stop a beardie from absorbing calcium.
Both beardie types have a very similar diet, you'll do fine with either.

he never actually ate spinach... only liked parsley, zucchini, apple and banana mix. and his crickets and woodies of course....

As for the death of your beardie, i could'nt say for sure.
Possibly parasites? Possibly something to do with your temps? or UV supply? Or impaction?

his heat & uv were fine... definately not parasites - vet checked him for that. what is impaction?

ahhh, yes - sorry - I didnt know the proper word for that! I remember now.

he was on those chemical-free newspaper pellets - ive seen other people with that in their tanks on this site (the kitty litter stuff). when he got sick we changed it to just newspaper, but he didnt like it cos he couldnt dig a little burrow to sleep in. I didnt want to use sand or gravel as i was told that the sand gets in their eyes when they are young and they eat the gravel - and that sometimes they carry parasites.

His food was always smaller than the space between his eyes - he was pooing regularly and comfortably. but when he stopped eating the size decreased obviously. We never fed him superworms or meal worms - he only ate vegies, crickets and roaches. we tried silkworms and he didnt want to know about it.

We just want to find a good, reliable breeder. I dont want any pretty-coloured morphs or anything, just a healthy dragon. plenty of snake breeders around cairns, but i cant locate a dragon breeder. it sucks. I dont trust pet stores or so called reptile suppliers.
central, i saw an eastern at school today. it was pancaking. hte biggest one i have seen in my enitre life! then it puffed its beard at me and hissed, so i ran. hes quite small for 10 months.
Saz from this site lives up qld way,...unfortunately she breeds super hot coloured dragons, but very lovely heathly ones,...(not sure if shes near cairns since i have no idea whats close to what in qld)
For future reference, the QLD legislation does not permit the selling of eastern beardeds from petshops - only centrals and blacksoil beardeds so your shop is not real bright to start with.
She is in Brisbane

No need to say what it is, its been said ;)
Saz from this site lives up qld way,...unfortunately she breeds super hot coloured dragons, but very lovely heathly ones,...(not sure if shes near cairns since i have no idea whats close to what in qld)
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