Problems with a baby beardy

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Nov 4, 2008
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Hey guys,
i noticed a couple of days ago that this baby bearded dragon was acting strange like dropping its head down and always looking straight up to the ceiling too, so i thought that maybe it was lacking calcium. The last couple of days i have been giving it the liquid calcium but before that i was dusting the crickets and still am to this day. Last night i went into my room and checked on the little guy and it had sand all around its mouth, it had actually eating sand. It wouldnt open up its mouth. I think maybe the liquid calcium glued its mouth together because it is sticky when it dries. So i gave it a luke warm bath for like 30 minutes and got a cotton bud and tried to remove all the sand from around its mouth. I also tried to open its mouth too with caution. I dont think it is able to open its mouth still. I thought that it would probably die through the night but it has actually survived. Im not sure if it will eat though but i'll find out later. My question is has anyone experienced this sort of thing with bearded dragons? Hopefully my story made sense. I have never seen it before it was quite strange. All help would be great!! :)
impactoin maybe, i'd get it to the vet, and change the substrate to astro turf or something.

Yeah young beardies aren't ideally kept on sand as impaction can occurr, though as far as the liquid calcium glueing the beardies mouth together I highly doubt it would be that strong! Baby beardies do many trange things and if you search through this forum at past threads you will see many worried keepers thinking their beardie is un-well as it lathargic or acting strange. Is he eating? if so what and how often and what are his temps at? What UV are you using and how old is he? Is he a central or eastern?
Well he didnt eat yesterday and i havent tried today yet. Temp in the tank in the hot area is about 35 degrees, There is a fine sand substrate, i'll take that out today and see if there is an improvement. Im feeding him and others crickets and i dust them everyday, but i feed them once a day and i have veggies in there too.
I have noticed too that when it tries to jump onto the log it falls off onto its back. It looks very weak and always has its head facing the ceiling, it doesnt look normal cause the others arent doin it.
does it have uv? what is the basking temp when it's at its hotest/coolest?

yeah its a UVB 10 lighting, the basking globe is 75 watts in a 2 foot tank. My room is warmer than all the other rooms so the temp can get about 40 degrees but atm its 36.
I have noticed too that when it tries to jump onto the log it falls off onto its back. It looks very weak and always has its head facing the ceiling, it doesnt look normal cause the others arent doin it.
if the others arent doing it, it may be dominance, he may be scared, thats why hes looking up at the ceiling. hopeit helps.
you need to take some drastic action. this problem is becoming more common

1. take all the sand out, use paper towel. he shouldnt have had sand in the first place.

2. get his cool side BELOW 25C (VERY important. sounds like his inner ear is drying out) and his basking at 40C

3. mist him, in particular get his ears wet. gently dab some oil on his ears (towel off with a tissue)

make sure he eats. no mealworms. just soft roches and crix. that are gut loaded and dusted.
p.s. it sounds like his inner ear is drying out. it should clear up within a few days. ive experienced it twice in 6 years. two different individuals both young juveniles. my method has helped a few people in the past. then again its just correct care.
Wat sort of oil? What if he doesnt eat? Yesterday he hasnt been keen on eating.
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The baby ate today which is excellent and is starting to looking healthier, thanks for all your help guys. I think the oil on the ears helped. :)
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