Is my Beardie OK? Is he just shy?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
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VIC - Metro
Hi all.

My beardie was constantly hiding just above my backgrounds etc and not basking as much. So I removed all the backgrounds, fake follage and just left him with a hide rock, slate tile substrate, 2 branches and a basking rock. He seems to have settled a little better now.

Everytime I approach the inclosure to feed or just look at him, he closes both his eyes. I don't know if he does this when I am not arround.

Is this normal? Is he just overwhelmed as is being shy etc??

He does poo each day and looks fine to me. He hasn't been constant with his feeding but since I got him on woodies he is feeding better.

Today he ate about 10 woodies and some greens. I dust all insects and also mist him 2 times a day.

Basking temps are 39/42C and cool end is low 20's to mid.

Is he just freaking out?

It has been a week today since I have had him and he is about 10 weeks old now.
Awww , you really love ur beardie!

I dont know why he closes his eyes, maybe he is still unsure as youve only had him for a week. When i stick my head in front of my beardie, she looks at me with her head sideways lol its way cute

Good to hear he is still eating those woodies :)
could be that he is nervous. personally 10 woodies in one feed is a little too much food for a 10 week old dragon. i wouldnt over feed him. make sure that ur not holding him as that can lead to stress. as long as ur beardie is eating and pooing regulary i wouldnt be overly worried at this point in time.
10 woodies is spread out during the course of the day.

When you wake up in the morning is your beardie already basking? Mine seems to take his time.

I dont know I just want to make sure he is OK. I know I am not neglecting him or anything, just want to be sure.
Awww , you really love ur beardie!

I dont know why he closes his eyes, maybe he is still unsure as youve only had him for a week. When i stick my head in front of my beardie, she looks at me with her head sideways lol its way cute

Good to hear he is still eating those woodies :)

MzSel, sure do love him. He already has a funny character. Want whats best for him. :)
Don't stress too much, its still a baby and it needs to adapt.

I wouldn't worry about it not basking straight away in the mornings, the hatchies i have here all bask at different times of the day, as long as it basks at some stage, is active (ie not laying with its head down in the same spot all day unless you move it) is eating and pooing you dont need to worry.

Its still small and if you saw a huge shadow followed by a giant coming towards you, you would probably close your eyes too :p

Sounds like you have it set up how it needs and are taking good care of it, just relax a little, it will be fine ;)
MzSel, sure do love him. He already has a funny character. Want whats best for him. :)

Hes a very lucky beardie!

Mine doesnt always come out to bask straight away, mostly she is there as soon as her light comes on, but sometimes she "sleeps in" lol

With you looking after him, he is going to be great :)
Could he be closing his eyes due to the UV light? Maybe he got to close to the UV when he was climbing the background of which I have since removed???

It is a 10% UV Tube.
He sounds like he's still adjusting. They're personality just keeps coming out the older they get.

Mine shuts his eyes when he's had enough to eat. I wouldn't worry about the uv they're pretty good at adjusting themselves with how much uv/heat they need.

Mine will go from side to side all day long in the enclosure. I built mine a hide box which he's started sleeping in also ...
Its still small and if you saw a huge shadow followed by a giant coming towards you, you would probably close your eyes too :p

Exactly. I don't think young beardies are all that bright - they think if they close their eyes and they can't see you, that you can't see them!!
Today he did not eat any woodies, but he did mess up his veg, which he may\may not have consumed.

I misted him about 2 hours ago, he has not moved from that same spot.

This little guy is freaking me out. lol :)

Light will go out in about 1 hour so to late to wake him up and feed. He is already sleeping.
Hey guys, just a quick update.

Today I got home and as soon as Shingles seen the tweezers his eyes were wide open and he was alert as!! Never seen him like that. He ate a decent amount and I just misted him. Lol he hates the mist...

But he looks great, even showing some nice colours..
I am pretty sure it was a reptisun 10.

I threw the package out and the reciept is, umm well gone.. :)
check on the bulb. it should say the brand make and model on the bulb.

cheap and ineffective bulbs, unfortunately a few Aussie brands, have been known in my experience and those of others to cause photo-kerato-conunctivitus. i wont name the brands publically, as the makers may be supporters of this site. Both Aussie, and cheap tubes and compacts have been known to do so regularly.

try offering another bright white tub flourescent as well. the extra brightness will stimulate him, quite often out vivariums are too dim. and the extra light will tighten his pupal and restrict uv exposure to his fragile eyes.

apart from the above being a general good idea, he is also settling in. keep offering food, handle around dusk when the lights are dim, calm him down and he should feel comfortable enough to eat in front of you.
Thanks Kirby.. I will wait until lights out then I will check the tube for exact details.
OK now that my beardie is eating well on Woodies and soon a mixture of Silkworms and Woodies, he seems to not have been touching his veg.

Should I be worried, as it sure doesn't look like he is eating %20 veg :)
Kirby, it's a ReptaSunPlus UV 10.0

check on the bulb. it should say the brand make and model on the bulb.

cheap and ineffective bulbs, unfortunately a few Aussie brands, have been known in my experience and those of others to cause photo-kerato-conunctivitus. i wont name the brands publically, as the makers may be supporters of this site. Both Aussie, and cheap tubes and compacts have been known to do so regularly.

try offering another bright white tub flourescent as well. the extra brightness will stimulate him, quite often out vivariums are too dim. and the extra light will tighten his pupal and restrict uv exposure to his fragile eyes.

apart from the above being a general good idea, he is also settling in. keep offering food, handle around dusk when the lights are dim, calm him down and he should feel comfortable enough to eat in front of you.
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