Vet's Consultation Fee ??

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Thats what good animal care costs.... otherwise you can get the "internet forum consult." Cheaper, but can be wildly inaccurate.


Yeah just ask APS ..

My new baby GTP has this pink thing hanging out its bottom. Should I leave it there or just cut it off?

Yeah just ask APS ..

My new baby GTP has this pink thing hanging out its bottom. Should I leave it there or just cut it off?


I've had this happen with my pink tongues, but it was hanging out the other end.... If you reduce the humidity it should make it bring it back in.... try putting the snake on some natural substrate as this will also help it retract. The pink tongues stick it in and out all the time so i wouldn't worry about it too much.

I've had this happen with my pink tongues, but it was hanging out the other end.... If you reduce the humidity it should make it bring it back in.... try putting the snake on some natural substrate as this will also help it retract. The pink tongues stick it in and out all the time so i wouldn't worry about it too much.


your looking into a mirror.
I once had to take my turtle to a vet on a weekend and that cost me $85 (thats about what I had paid for him in the first place!) - I nearly lost it at the vet when he told me, (who, by the way, had no idea what was wrong with my turtle anyway) and I still had to pay him.

I phoned up this morning for another reptile vet closer to me here in Brisbane, to see both my turtle and my woma for a check up and its only $42 for the both of them... otherwise $29 for just one - so it just depends on where you are i guess.
CodeRed... you're not serious are you? I think you were just teasing about the GTP (?)
Yeah just ask APS ..

My new baby GTP has this pink thing hanging out its bottom. Should I leave it there or just cut it off?


Trim it with scissors, it will be fine. To avoid this happening in the future, don't feed solids, Max Calorie Protein Shakes are the way to go.
i have sulpher crested cockies as well as chickens ducks dogs a cat a guinie pig doves and a pair of snakes

its simple if you love these animals you will pay whatever the vets want

one of my cockies cost us $360 just for a vet clearance so tht he could go and visit his master in the childrens hospital
a full sized adult cockatoo flying aropund inside a childrens ward !
we let him out at the elivators and he flew the 100mts or so to his boss

i have 2 coastals and im not sure as to their sex and no local vet can tell me
i put the two together and they seem to like eaqch other how do i tell if they are male or female
both about 6 ft long ASA ( female sweedish goddess) is a slimmer snake and seems to enjoy going to sleep with her head between a girls ****s and the other snake is standoffish and prefers to be left alone
they dont seem to mind being in the came enclosure and wii lay on each other

any ideas ???

go here mate:
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