I know tubs aren't everyone's favorite idea for housing reptiles but some people are happy to use them. I found some big tubs not to long ago, close to 4 foot long and about 2 foor wide, not high but all my collection are ground dwelling reptiles so it is good enough for them. However they are pretty flimsy atthis size and the lids aren't the best, especially when you are housing elapids in there. Also i wanted to be able to use bask lights on the tubs as I have a few skinks too and if need be would like to be able to house them in the tubs. So I got a couple of these tubs, gave them to a mate and asked him to make me some lids. This is what he come up with and I am extremely happy. To compare size I have a photo of one of my water pythons in his tub, that water python is around the 4 or 5 foot mark. Hope you enjoy.
Along one of the long edges are three piano hinges. Along the oposite end is a handle and three bolts and wingnuts to keep the lid closed. All in all I am very happy with the end result and will have a few more made up soon.

Along one of the long edges are three piano hinges. Along the oposite end is a handle and three bolts and wingnuts to keep the lid closed. All in all I am very happy with the end result and will have a few more made up soon.