2 snakes dead over night! What could it be?

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I take it that the glass enclosures were not in direct sunlight at all?

Nope. It's 1:30pm now and should be quite warm. I keep them in a pretty shaded area not too high and not too low to the ground.
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Nope. It's 1:30pm now and should be quite warm. I keep them in a pretty shaded area not too high and not too low to the ground./QUOTE]
Are you sure that there is no direct sunlight throughout anytime of the day? Even a small amount could quickly overheat your snakes.
I agree, glass and sun plus reptiles dont mix at all. even half an hour of sun through that glass can kill a reptile.. Something you should consider... sorry for your loss.
Totally agree with Python Infinite now

Your food was from different sources
So very little chance of both of them being off and killing your snakes

Something else killed them
Probably not any disease or food
So that only leaves husbandry or an external influence such as chemical spray etc
hmmm I used to live in Darwin and I can tell you that it gets to extreme conditions and temperature during the day even at night we had fans and aircon on throughout the day and throughout the night. I always went with the rule that I would not keep babies up to 3 years outside and they'd be in an aircon room with heat mat. that and all my Darwin enclosures had mesh doors for extra air flow as I found even if my tanks where in the shade they still reached a pretty high temperature inside the enclosure. my bhps cage was the only one with a glass door and even though there was ventilation it was very sticky and very hot inside. I'd get rid of the glass tanks unless your going to have them inside the house, and get some melamine or pine enclosures with mesh or pet mesh for the doors if your going to continue to have them outside. sorry for your loss I to have lost a baby snake on the 27/4/2013 but I think it was caused from bad food and poo bound :(
Nope. It's 1:30pm now and should be quite warm. I keep them in a pretty shaded area not too high and not too low to the ground.

You are kidding right? You keep your snakes outside like this..... put the last Darwin you have inside with a correct thermostat and heat source and get it to the vet asap for a check up, it is going to also die soon if you don't.... cold temps will kill slowly and hot will kill fast, Your snakes have died because they have been kept in conditions that are too cold or hot for to long.... people think because snakes live outside they can be kept outside but in the wild a snake can move around to THERMOREGULATE, you have provided your snakes with very little to no temperature difference within their enclosure. do not get anymore reptiles until you have done ALOT of research including live feeding the fact your snake was eating freshly kill or defrosted most of the time really begs to question why you would feed live???
its Darwin NT it doesn't get cold it would be the opposite to freezing but to over heating.
its Darwin NT it doesn't get cold it would be the opposite to freezing but to over heating.
:facepalm: a snake needs to thermoregulate its body temperature. If it is digesting food and its 20c ambient but it needs to raise its body temp how is it going to do that in a fish tank? and visa versa how will it lower its body temp?
yes I know but its in the NT up in Darwin and it doesn't get that low even in winter...that's what I'm saying. during the day it reaches 32-47 degs and at night it doesn't really drops past 28degs (this is normally)
I just checked the temps on the Australian weather site and it says it got to 12 - 31degs today...wow that's cold for Darwin!!! yeah your probably right they froze to death got to cold. do you keep an eye on there temps when the weather drops dramatically like this? I would of bought them indoors if I new how cold its been this would explain why your childreni was having a bad shed.
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I highly doubt the snakes "froze" because of a 12 degree day or night.
The Aust Weather includes Alice temps there is no way Darwin has got that low in the last few months. Maybe 17 at the least. Something else the OP needs to consider is the sun changes as the seasons change and what 3 months ago wouldn't get direct sun is now probably getting a fair bit of sun.
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I'm not saying it froze to death lol but you cant expect a snake to be able to thermoregulate correctly in a fish tank outside, if you are keeping pythons outside it takes a lot more experience and you need to take a lot of things into consideration. It is not for someone new to keeping reptiles. Incorrect temps will kill your python over time and Id say this is what has happen in this case. please take your snakes inside, set them up correctly and take them to the vet for a check up.... And do some more research
could the snake have ingested the substrate?
I'm not saying it froze to death lol but you cant expect a snake to be able to thermoregulate correctly in a fish tank outside, if you are keeping pythons outside it takes a lot more experience and you need to take a lot of things into consideration. It is not for someone new to keeping reptiles. Incorrect temps will kill your python over time and Id say this is what has happen in this case. please take your snakes inside, set them up correctly and take them to the vet for a check up.... And do some more research

and that I will do. I have learnt the hard way, I need to find more reliable sources for info for my snakes as I showed the same photo to what I thought was a reliable source, but obviously it isn't.

As for the sun being out more often, I didn't think about that.

My main question now is. IF it was heat, then why did they only die in the weather change wet to dry season? (Highly doubt it was cold enough to kill them, but I'm not denying it as a possibility.)

They had only been kept outside since December when I got the Darwin. Prior I would keep my Children's inside at home when no ones home with the windows and fan open in my room, but I was worried it would of been too hot for him, so when I got my Darwin, moved them outside.
I did check, but it didn't appear to have any traces in their mouth's.
Don't get too disheartened by what has happened but definitely listen to the constructive things people have said and learn from this. Maybe go back to basics and look at some newbie threads to make sure you get your husbandry right for your remaining snake. I know you have been trying to do what is right but unfortunately you have not got it right but have another chance with your remaining snake.
Don't get too disheartened by what has happened but definitely listen to the constructive things people have said and learn from this. Maybe go back to basics and look at some newbie threads to make sure you get your husbandry right for your remaining snake. I know you have been trying to do what is right but unfortunately you have not got it right but have another chance with your remaining snake.
I think I will, I might just go back to basics with a water bowl, hide and news paper as substrate and keep it in my room again as my Children's did fine in there.
Op we keep our snakes outside up here. They have no heating systems, they are all locals. Interesting point about thermoregulation, differing temps because that has never been a problem with our guys. Ours are kept on our balcony and can move towards a sunny area or away but the temp differences quoted for best keeping are probably not attained. We don't have any problems with our guys. You really need to find out what went wrong with yours so it doesn't happen again. For starters I would be watching where the sun goes in that area to try and find if it was direct sunlight that has been the culprit. NB: I am not suggesting you put your Darwin back out there.
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