Hello I have a 8month old children’s python and I lately noticed a tiny bit of a stain on the corner of his mouth and I’m scared he is sick so can someone please look at the photos and tell me firstly if he is sick, and secondly what to do (whether that be going to the vet ). Sorry if this is irritating but I’m worried he’s unwell. He has still been eating and moving around and he hasn’t submerged himself in water. He hasn’t acted weird but this mouth thing looks like it could be bad or signs of sickness. Sorry the photos aren’t amazing but please can someone give me some direction because I’ve done a ton of google searching and trying to find anything but I’m still unsure. Okay thanks for taking your time to read and hopefully respond. Please help me!

When I look back at videos from when I got him the same stains were there but they weren’t as distinct and I’m just a little scared he’s sick

When I look back at videos from when I got him the same stains were there but they weren’t as distinct and I’m just a little scared he’s sick
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