Spotted Python refusing mice & rats

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May 6, 2023
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Hi all, I have a spotted python around 3 years old. He was a problem feeder for the first year so the breeder withheld until he was feeding well. We have had little issue feeding him over the past 2 years, until now. We upgraded his tank around 8 months ago, to a 1.2m Reptile One glass tank (dumb idea in hindsight) and really struggle with temp gradient now. I have blocked the glass with some black foam and have a blanket over the mesh on the cool side but it only gets up to 22° on the cool end during the day. The warm side is between 30-32° but only right under the ceramic emitter. I thought to upgrade the wattage of the emitter but haven't been able to find a lamp cage to secure a larger one in. Do you think he's gone off food due to these temps? He's rarely handled as I wanted to reduce stress but he still shows no interest in rats or mice. It's been around 3 months since he last fed and I'm getting extremly concerned. He seems to want to escape the tank. I still have his 90x90cm enclosure, should I move him back until I can sort out my temp gradient in the larger tank? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Get rid of the ceramic heat emitter, it’s not designed to create a basking spot.

Get some of these instead:
If you’re using a thermostat get the 100w
If you don’t have thermostat get the 60w

DO NOT buy reptile branded crap

Rest of your temperature problems can be solved by moving to a wooden or pvc tank, or insulating all sides with styrofoam. And not being in a drafty area
The problem there , is these are virtually non-existent now. The stocks have been running down for months due to the Govt. banning incandescant globes.
I have found a replacement at Bunnings for lamps up to 75W, but unfortunately nothing to replace 100W20230527_204538.jpg
These halogen globes come in clear as well as frosted, I tested this and it puts out similar heat as the Philips .
$5.25 each
The problem there , is these are virtually non-existent now. The stocks have been running down for months due to the Govt. banning incandescant globes.
I have found a replacement at Bunnings for lamps up to 75W, but unfortunately nothing to replace 100WView attachment 335420
These halogen globes come in clear as well as frosted, I tested this and it puts out similar heat as the Philips .
$5.25 each
I also use the osram brand from bunnings - they come in 6 packs ( 46w 57w and 77w available) and not having the reflector globe (phillips and mirabella do) I find they put the light out in a way I prefer, but I would also use the reflector globes if supply becomes an issue. Halogen lights are great! Heaps better than ceramic heat emitters, especially for snakes 👍
Get rid of the ceramic heat emitter, it’s not designed to create a basking spot.

Get some of these instead:
If you’re using a thermostat get the 100w
If you don’t have thermostat get the 60w

DO NOT buy reptile branded crap

Rest of your temperature problems can be solved by moving to a wooden or pvc tank, or insulating all sides with styrofoam. And not being in a drafty area
Thanks. I insulated all sides, and the temps have been good for a month now and still no luck with feeding. I've read to not let night time temps drop to below 18 -21 celcius, how am I supposed to heat the tank at night if I use a heat light? I live in Victoria and it's freezing overnight?
Thanks. I insulated all sides, and the temps have been good for a month now and still no luck with feeding. I've read to not let night time temps drop to below 18 -21 celcius, how am I supposed to heat the tank at night if I use a heat light? I live in Victoria and it's freezing overnight?
I wouldn’t worry about feeding at this time of the year. Snakes know that it’s winter time and time to Brumate based on things we can’t even tell…

For night time heating, you should see what temp it is in the enclosure at midnight. It may be freezing outside, but your house/room/tank/snake hide are all layers of insulation and chances are won’t be freezing inside. (I let my temps just drop to whatever they get to at night, they can go through all their natural seasonal behaviours)

If you really want to provide heating at night, you can just run a room heater for an hour a day.
I wouldn’t worry about feeding at this time of the year. Snakes know that it’s winter time and time to Brumate based on things we can’t even tell…

For night time heating, you should see what temp it is in the enclosure at midnight. It may be freezing outside, but your house/room/tank/snake hide are all layers of insulation and chances are won’t be freezing inside. (I let my temps just drop to whatever they get to at night, they can go through all their natural seasonal behaviours)

If you really want to provide heating at night, you can just run a room heater for an hour a day.
Okay thank you, I'll switch heating to a basking globe and try letting temps drop over night and see what they get to. Thanks for your advice. I wouldn't be too concerned if it had began in winter however she hasn't eaten since early February now which is what makes me worry.
Get rid of the ceramic heat emitter, it’s not designed to create a basking spot.

Get some of these instead:
If you’re using a thermostat get the 100w
If you don’t have thermostat get the 60w

DO NOT buy reptile branded crap

Rest of your temperature problems can be solved by moving to a wooden or pvc tank, or insulating all sides with styrofoam. And not being in a drafty area
Hi Guy's
I just came across your discussion and was interested as to why you are stating not to use the reptile heat lamps. I switched from the lamps to the ceramic some time ago and i realise they don't create a basking spot. Do the Halogen reflector lamps put out enough heat in place of the ceramic or reptile heat lamps, curious as i have not heard of this before. Thanks.


I don't have a heating issue, but i now live in Qld as previous was in Melbourne.
I was curious as to why the Halogen over the reptile heat lamps, does the red light have nothing to do with the heating element ? So does the white lamp work just as well and obviously a fraction of the price, so is that really what your paying for at the end of the day, an over priced red globe ? Appreciate any feed back in relation to the globes. Thanks.


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