Hi all, I have a spotted python around 3 years old. He was a problem feeder for the first year so the breeder withheld until he was feeding well. We have had little issue feeding him over the past 2 years, until now. We upgraded his tank around 8 months ago, to a 1.2m Reptile One glass tank (dumb idea in hindsight) and really struggle with temp gradient now. I have blocked the glass with some black foam and have a blanket over the mesh on the cool side but it only gets up to 22° on the cool end during the day. The warm side is between 30-32° but only right under the ceramic emitter. I thought to upgrade the wattage of the emitter but haven't been able to find a lamp cage to secure a larger one in. Do you think he's gone off food due to these temps? He's rarely handled as I wanted to reduce stress but he still shows no interest in rats or mice. It's been around 3 months since he last fed and I'm getting extremly concerned. He seems to want to escape the tank. I still have his 90x90cm enclosure, should I move him back until I can sort out my temp gradient in the larger tank? Any thoughts would be appreciated.