A. perthensis and albino A. maculosa price speculation.

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Central Coast
As we know, there is the possibility Snake Ranch will have both albino macs and A. perthensis available this season.

Anybody care to speculate at what we might be paying for them? What do you think is fair?

i asked SR when they would be putting the A Perthensis on the market and it didn't sound likely they will be available any time soon.

There are some males for sale (yearling and 3yo) in SA for $1750 ea.
Albino macs

The way I derived at a figure was to use the albino Darwins as a way of getting a "rough" $$$$$, in other words what were "normal" Darwins going for at the time as apposed to what was asked [and got] for the albinos [Darwins], at this point in time I believe that figure was approx. [20x] so there's my calculation as for the perthensis they are out there now for $800-----$2000 [For Sale].....Cheers Solar 17 [Baden]
give it another season and i think there should be a few perthensis around. i know of 3 breeders that will produce mulitple clutches thins season and next. it will be great once they are up in good numbers.
as for the albino macs, i dont think they would be more then 10K a pair. after all after only 18 months everyone who grabs a pair from the first season will have some. but knowing SR and the way they work with the RSP, if they sell them for 10K now the first season that anyone else has some for sale they'll drop them down to 2K each. if im in a position to grab a pair when they are first available ill be jumping on them. they look like great little pythons!
will be interesting to see if SR release alibino macs in pairs or only males, I would also guess they will be up around the $10k mark for the first season.
will be interesting to see if SR release alibino macs in pairs or only males, I would also guess they will be up around the $10k mark for the first season.

Only selling males would make a lot of people angry... but I think it would also strengthen the bloodline because a lot of people will buy males and breed hets with unrelated females.

will be very interesting to see what happens with the price of them only 2 years after they are available. if they only sell males there would be a HELL of alot of hets available after 2 years and considering they breed easily at a young age they ould be a good buy cause you would be producing your own rather quickly. id probably be almost as happy with a pair of hets.
If anything they'd be inclined to sell females only I would think. One female can only produce one clutch of hets in a season, but a male can produce many. That's what I'd do if I was to only sell one sex.

As for prices, NFI.
If anything they'd be inclined to sell females only I would think. One female can only produce one clutch of hets in a season, but a male can produce many. That's what I'd do if I was to only sell one sex.

As for prices, NFI.

If they sell the females that is less they can breed themselves.

well its a nice way to start a new decade, whatever the prices.
you would hope that the prices for the perthensis would be a little over the $1K
but the albino mac, if your lucky to get one, could be quite a severe pricetag.
i am sure i wont be able to afford one let alone a pair.
The way snake ranch drops their prices they'll be affordable far sooner than the darwin's are.
anybody have a picture or link for tha albino macs... I'm yet to have seen what they look like....
Id sell either or both testicals for an albino mac! And maybe even my first born! $10,000 i think would be a ok price for a pair... Cheers, Brad.
that is a hot animal!!!!

I can't wait til things fall into place for me to have one of them....
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