Thank you all for your input.
I took all the feedback on board. It's interesting because initially the only reason I was even CONSIDERING buying another snake was that the guy working in the store said "Yes, you can put this snake with your jungle no problem" which made me think, WOW, I could actually own another snake at relatively little expense ..
Which led to this discussion... And basically from what I read on the net at a quick glance you all confirmed my worst fears. That really the guy at the store did not give me the best advice.. but let's face it, it was not exactly non bias advice .. he wanted to get the sale and make some money. But I was really not willing to do something which would be to the detriment of these animals, as I've already said.
So anyway, I decided to buy another enclosure because I got a brainwave and realised that, hey, I could just put it on top of the other and that would do away with the issue of space (I did also run this by the flatmates first as a courtesy though). After looking through the net I found that I could get an enclosure for marginally cheaper than the aquarium/reptile store but as I was now stacking one on top of the other I wanted them to both look the same.. I managed to get a discount however, so got the enclosure for $415.00 which isn't too bad in my opinion. (Photo attached showing the two enclosures).
I've managed to source other items for the enclosure much cheaper online than through the aquarium store (and have also purchased 2x pairs of "smick trimmings" from Virides

) - Great idea that. I was never sure what the solution was to the getting-the-glass-grubby-when-you-open-the-enclosure-issue - but there you have it.. problem solved.
On the Sunshine Virus - I have a formal letter from Mr Tim Hyndman confirming the results of the virus in my existing jungle carpet python as being 'NEGATIVE' so confirming there is indeed a test for it (bear in mind the previous time I had this test done it was a 'POSITIVE' and explained the neurological issues my former jungle had been experiencing - I had her put down immediately). However, as per the previous comments, there may be some issues around this testing. At the end of the day, I, like other owners, after having experience with one of these horrific viruses have that in mind moving forward and am therefore more likely to have a snake tested for this, as with my more recent jungle acquisition..
With that in mind, I was banking on having any new snake I purchase treated for this virus which is not cheap after paying for the tests & shipping etc + consult fee.
After speaking with a mate about my decisions I am now rethinking the whole purchase of this Murray Darling Carpet Python however ... I will most likely still go with a Murray Darling, but am now thinking I may just go with a hatchling ... in which case I can put it in the same enclosure in a click clack until it outgrows that, at which point in time I have the larger enclosure ready
The positives of going with a hatchling in my eyes is that I would see it grow from a month or two old and have direct input into the wellbeing of the snake at a young age, avoiding any potential underfeeding which may (?) occur at a pet store (God forbid ..) and potentially also avoid harmful diseases which, I understand, can flourish in a pet store environment (and hey, do away with the Sunshine Virus test, thus saving me some $$$).
So really just taking you through my journey of the last few days ...
Does anyone know any good breeders of Murray Darling Carpet Pythons?!! :lol:
Also, Mikey Mike, I think your query does in fact very much relate to mine, and, if you read the thread, it seems all the advice is to NOT put two snakes together. Except, it seems, if they are the same breed and opposite sex then there may be grounds (or less issues therein) for putting them together.