angry spotted python

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I have several spotteds and mine get 1 adult mouse per week. They all grew at a very acceptable rate and are now adults and all are in lovely condition and are still only getting an adult mouse per week.
I will also add that all mine are beautiful handlers and I have only once been bitten (entirely my fault!) so I really don't think this snake of yours is hungry.
thats all good and fine , but if the snake cant eat a adult rat then thats it . all the extra nutritional value in the adult isnt going to do much good if the snake cant eat it ;) i hope that makes sense :p
back on topic- to the OP , feed it more :) and see how it go`s .

Sorry - I didn't think about pygmy spotted pythons.... :)

Also on the topic - a full snake isn't necessarily a non-bitey snake... I have (as suggested) both a full and happy non-bitey spotted and a full and bitey spotted... Both feed on adult rats.

That's all I can give you on this one...

However, one of my coastal carpets went through a 'teenage' hater stage... he juts lashed out at everything - he's also calmed down to be the biggest wuss burger in the world...
wow thats a lot of help in a day or so. thanks everyone. the weaner rats seem to be a good size at the moment so ill also add a hopper mouse after the rat. i upsize whenever the food starts getting to small so ill be upgrading to sub-adult rats soon. ill let you all know what it does :)
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