The term intergrade refers to snakes already in captivity that are known to come from the area where these snakes have evolved
No the term intergrade refers to the ones in the wild but yes the ones being bred in captivity come from the region where they have evolved
Bigguy seems to think the wild ones are also integrades (from another thread).
That's exactly the point,intergrades are found in the wild in the areas already pointed out.....the intergrades that are now being bred in captivity are direct descendants from wild animals caught from specific localities and they all vary...all our animals originated from the wild in one way or another obviously..
toxinologist wrote:
Taylor et al's work is strong evidence for concluding that all of the eastern Australian and northern Australian Morelia belong to just one taxonomic unit Morelia spilota spilota. Sure some of them look different - that means nothing.
Look at it this way ... Unless they happen to be biggotted, racist, s@*mbag hitlerites most people accept that the human race is comprised of a single taxonomic unit Homo sapiens with wide geographical variation in appearance but just one unique genome. The concept is simple, broadly accepted and proven fact.
So why should it be so hard to accept the fact that in terms of many other types of animals similar variations in appearance (for whatever reasons)... such as colour, body size ... occur despite the fact that the genome of all is one and the same.
So we may as well call them all carpets,but we all know the difference between a Darwin,jungle and Murray Darlings for example.As Magpie said i also think they should be called Port Mac carpets.Also as pointed out earlier there are other intergrades,clines ,intermediates etc of other species such as the stimsoni mac intergrades which are tiny...2 foot maximum and i highly doubt you would get the same looking animals if you crossed a stimsons with a maculosus in captivity...they would be classed as hybrids!!!Personally i think these and other intergrades should be called a specific type of python such as Port Mac carpets,and the stimsons maculosus intergrades i myself call zebras because they have a banded pattern with a small amount of variation in colour as with most pythons.That's just my own terminology but i still think they should have names as who knows what species you're talking about when you mention the dreaded word intergrade.
They are reasonable questions that I believe are intellegent ones, no matter how much Browns, Bigguy or yourself roll your eyes. I take offence at the eye rolling! I'm not stupid! I'm far from
Moose the reason for eye rolling and head banging is because this topic has been covered so many times it's not funny.I don't for one second think you are stupid and mean no offence to you or others whatsoever,but after somethings been explained countless times before it gets very monotonous.
So upon saying that, let me see if I've got this absolutely straight: If two intergrades are bred that come from the same area they remain intergrades. If two intergrades from different areas are bred they could in effect become hybrid intergrades?? (god the confusion is starting to set in again )
That certainly is a tad confusing but they would still be cosidered an intergrade....This is another good reason they should have names such as Port Macs,Kempsey or Forster carpets,just like there are Brisbane coastals,Proserpine carpets,Townsville coastals,Cape Yorks etc just as there is with locality bred jungles such as Palmerston,Mission Beach,Tully,Atherton etc.
So a "new" intergrade cannot be achieved in captivity no matter what. And a hybrid is a breeding of 2 species that in reality can never meet in the wild! - Done! I hope!
Yep exactly right...good one Moose!!!
peterescue wrote:
Who isnt to say that diamonds and coastal didnt emerge from intregrades
Yep definitely something to ponder there!!!
peterescue wrote:
You cannot do that at home. Is that clear now.
Actually you can, it has and is being done with designer snakes, all it takes for a new sub-species is to get snakes that produce consistent offspring, once the genes are modified enough the will produce a new "form". In fact I can't wait for the black and white jaguar carpets to be produced in Australia, even better would be a pure jet black python.
Now you're barking up the wrong tree again,these are classed as hybrids ,selectively bred crosses of species not intergrades which as explained occur naturally in the wild....designer snakes is hybridising not creating another species or sub species!!!!
Pls point out the exactly where on those 2 pythons you can see the diff as this will put the icing on the cake for me
OK,very simple,diamonds do vary a great deal but have you ever seen a pure diamond or pure coastal that looks like those 2 pythons?
Phew!!! Hope that all wasn't too confusing people,i'm far from an expert on this topic but have a fair amount of knowledge on the subject.Greg Hollis is the man to speak to if you want to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak,and they are still studying these guys in the wild so i'm sure there will be more answers to our questions in time....
Does anyone have a pic of the giant carpet found last year sometime i think it was?That was the biggest recorded free ranging carpet recorded ever and that too was a Port Mac carpet,or intergrade!!