Words can do much more damage than people realise, and I think this boy should disable the comments for the video, I had a look at the comments and there were a few there telling him to kill himself. Some people have become pretty sick.
School can be a very difficult place, especially high school. There's a very big difference between grade 6 in primary school and year 7 in high school. It seemed to me like everyone became super bitchy overnight, and then everyone forms their little groups and judges anyone not in their group. I was always different to everyone else, and I wish I had a dollar for every time I was called a freak. I didn't care about fashion like everyone else, so I hated casual dress day because people would stare at me because I wasn't wearing the expensive brand name crap like all the other sheep.
I was quiet at school which led people to believe that I was weak. I remember when I was in year 7 and we were all lined up waiting to go into class, and a girl that didn't like me was talking to her friend about me within earshot. She told her friend that if she came up and pushed me I'd run away and cry. In reality I wouldn't have done that at all, I probably would have pushed her back!
I had a group that I was in, but I only liked one person in it, the other two were people who didn't like me, and one of them was nasty to me through primary school. One day in class while it was quiet and everyone was doing their work, one of the girls said to me "I don't want to break your little heart, but we only hang around with you because we feel sorry for you". Nice. Thankfully it wasn't long before I made another friend and we stuck together for a while before joining up with two other nice girls, one of which I went to primary school with.
People stopped assuming I was weak in year 8 when I finally snapped and couldn't take the abuse anymore. I was sitting in class one day and a girl was being nasty to me, and I got sick of it and swore at her. She recoiled and looked shocked, and then told me not to swear at her. That was the first time I stood up to her. People really started to back off when we were in PE one day and the benches in the gym needed to be moved. I picked one up by myself and moved it over to the wall. Most of the people in my year level saw it and decided not to give me as much of a hard time.
I dealt with a couple of guys in my year level too, one was walking past my friends and I while we were sitting down, and he was throwing rocks at us. After lunch our year level was watching a movie in the drama room, and while we were waiting to go in I approached the guy who threw the rocks and his head "somehow" went into the brick wall. He never threw rocks at us again, and in fact, not long after that he joined our group of friends and turned out to be a nice guy lol.
The other guy I dealt with was in my maths class, and instead of doing his work he was walking up and down the classroom and every time he walked past me he'd say something nasty. I eventually got sick of it, and the next time he did it I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him down on the table on his back and told him in no polite way to leave me alone. Then I threw him off the table and he went and sat down and shut up.
I didn't really fit in with my group of friends either, I wasn't into the same stuff they were and I didn't go out much or do anything so I didn't really have much to talk about. I left school at the end of year 10, and I'm glad I never have to go through any of that again!
I hope the boy in this video can find some good friends who will support him, it will have to be people who are courageous and don't care too much about what others think, and they will be his friend knowing that people will then turn on them also. I hope things get better for this guy.
for all his suffering, has he ever considered what others go through to find the strength to go on? no, all he's though of is his own misery, but that's understandable for the young,
We don't really know that for sure. I understand what you're saying and appreciate it, but at the same time I've had people say to me sometimes that there are other people who are worse off, but that doesn't change anything. It doesn't make my situation better nor does it make it less painful. Sometimes I feel like people say that to try to stop you from being upset not for your own good, but because they can't handle you being in a difficult place.