beardie not eating

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Not so new Member
Apr 18, 2007
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south perth
i have 6 hatchling western bearded dragons about 2 weeks old, all are doing great except one it is so skiny and i have only seen it eat once which was a few days after hatching, hes really inactive and sleeps most the time, i have tried seperating and feeding him but hes never intrested. if anyone could help me that would be great .thanks
tiny-small crickets ones about half the size of his head, over the last few days iv had to force feed but the weird thing is i open his mouth put the cricket in and he eats it happily not sure what the problem is :s
what temp u got it set at. beardies generally need to get there bodies nice and warm before they eat. maybe he isnt getting enough heat. i would be keeping him seperated and a nice hot basking spot and not put him back wiht the group until he is eating consistantly.
the hot spot is around 30-33 cool end around 25 i was thinking about seperating them but i dont have any spare uv or heat lamps, i mist twice a day, and the substrate is newspaper
Bump the basking temp up to as high as 38-40... This will assist with digestion as well as increase their apetite.
My basking spot gets up to 40 degrees, slightly over, and after each feed that's where my beardy goes for an hour or so. As others said, up the temps.
Hmmmm..... you should seperate so you can monitor each one closely! keep it nice and warm see how they go... maybe try woodies or something else instead of crickets?
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