BHP help!!

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2008
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Hey guys just wondering what is the minimum cage dimensions for a BHP? Wat sizes do you guys have? Is it better to use light globes or the reptile radiators? Can i use the radiator with a dimming thermostate? Any pics of bhps and the encloseures would be great.:D
as for length i always say the minimal length should be half the max adult length of the snake to be kept
but BHPS don't clime so this "rule" may not apply,
mate i have never had bhp but i have seen a few set ups of them most people have them in 4 to 6 ft long 1.5 ft wide and 1.5 ft high and they all used normal globes i hope this helps for ya
four foot long is probably your minimum. as pyro said they don't really climb. (though mine sometimes thinks he is invincible and ends up falling). as for other dimensions i have my big enclosures at 2 foot high, 2 foot wide. my bhp is normally sitting around doing notihng anyway, so i could probably just leave him in a little click clack his whole life! :p
I keep BHP in 800x1600x600 (H x L x D) with heat panels above a basking shelf. I use B1 Dimming thermostats with an adjustable vent on the cool side. Maintain 35 degrees C basking site during the day light hours no heating at night. I hope this helps.

I have used globes in the past but I find panels a better a option when using thermostats.

Anymore advice needed don't hesitiate to ask.
No for my 8 month old ones for now. I am going to build an enclouser later on.
I've built a 6ft long enclosure thats 2ft deep and 2ft high.
I use 3 ceramic heat lamps and a UV fluro globe.
Give's him plenty of room to move around in and he seems really happy.
If you end up making one yourself just keep in mind that you need vents for the air to flow thru and it's a good idea to have a temperature gauge at each end so you know they are getting a good range of hot and cold temperature. I'll try to post a pick tonight.
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