Bluey white discharge from vent

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cental QLD
So my blue tongue skink is shedding. Hanging from just under her vent is what I think to be a loose scale, so I pull it and out pops, from inside her vent, some hard white lumpy stuff, which isn't usual. I up her (I think it's a her) tail and have a look, and there's another "scale" hanging out from the other side, so I give it a slight pull and out pops a large amount of thsi white hard stuff. It's not urine, it's more rubbery. Does anyone know what it is, and does any one's own blueys have the same thing? Is it a male or female related problem? Help!!!
Could be a sperm plug?

EDIT: Oh you say its a female? Well thats something a bit more to be concerned about. Is she showing any signs of discomfort? A picture could help :)
Seems like your bluey is discharging excess calcium.

Nothing to worry about in my opinion. Mine do it all the time and would have nothing to do with the shedding.

They all do it. Sex is irrelevant.
are you sure its a girl. sounds like sperm plugs. if not then yes it could be urates.

at this time of year any of my males that are not breeding get plenty of sperm plugs.
I'm not sure if she's male or female. There's no way I can tell by looking at her/him. I did notice two blue kind of "balls inside each tube in its vent. does this mean boy?

If you really want to know the sex, get the vent checked by a reputable vet in your area. Takes about 2 seconds but should be done by a professional to avoid injury to the animal.

Once you establish the sex, you can then determine if its calcium or sperm.
it sounds like its a male, the blue things were probably just veins.
checking the vent wont tell you anything. and they dont excrete calcium it urates.
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