breeding diamond pythons

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Not so new Member
Nov 3, 2008
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im planning on getting some diamond pythons but iv been told that they are extremely hard to breed inside. what are your thorts on this?? love to find out what people think!!
Thanks a heaps in advance
Thanks what requirements are we talking about?? also what cage furniture should i get??
i find tall cages better for diamonds as it has a greater temp gradient. one of mine is 2 mts high x 1mtr sq. it houses 5 diamonds in breeding season. seems to work well as the 3 females have laid last year and this year too. 50 eggs in the incubator due early feb. good luck, theyre a beautiful snake, definitely my favourite​
That's pretty good going tahniandshea to have your diamonds breed that regularly, as I have found that most of the female diamonds I have bred usually like to breed every second year with only 2 that I can recall in the past laying good eggs in consecutive years.
Carpets on the other hand I find breed well year to year.
with diamonds you have to make sure the temps are right or they may get a respiratory disease and this is common in diamond pythons if temps aren't kept right.................
They do like alot cooler conditions compared to Carpets etc,generally where their from the temperature goes as low as 5c during winter at night,sometimes even lower,they dont like hot temperatures from morning til night,only a few hours a day is sufficent.
if you keep your diamonds outside in Sydney is there any need for you to have special lighting or do they just breed without that stuff?
Nope, you shouldn't need additional lighting if your diamonds can readily bask in the sun when they want to.
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