Buzzing heat matt

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Active Member
Dec 27, 2009
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NW Melbourne
ok so iv just bought an Aussie Sun Heat mat, plugged it in and it started buzzing, i let it heat up a bit and it seeme as though when it got the the desired temp (using an Australian Reptile dimming thermostat) the buzzing would stop.

so it is buzzing when the thermostat is giving it full power.

but i plugged the mat straight into the wall socket and no buzzing???

ive tryed googling it but i havent really gotten much info.

so is it the mat or the thermostat that is dodgy?

im afraid to put my geckos in their new house because of it, am i just being over worried or is it something dangerous??
I read another thread on here about something similar (I'm not too sure, so don't hold me to it, this is just second hand info)
But most thermostats buzz, and it's not your heat mat, therefor it should be safe to use still.

But as I said, don't hold me to it, this was just second hand info

Wait for someone else to come along and answer :)
Hmm I had the same problem just recently with the same thermostat. The heat mat started buzzing when connected through the thermostat but not when just plugged in to the wall. Actually I have some old energy saver light bulbs that also buzz though a dimmer in the lounge room, maybe it is something to do with the dimming but I would like to know. After the heat mat I tried a new heat cord but then it died maybe a week later, then a heat light and then it died shortly after too. So all up it seems like those thermostats are dodgy. My opinion would be that buzzing isn't necessarily dangerous though but really wouldn't know.
Some dimming thermostats and heat mat combinations will buzz, it will be the heatmat buzzing and not the thermostat, Ive seen many do this and they seem to work fine except for an irritating buzzing noise. To fix it either replace the thermostat with an on/ off or pulse proportional type or get a different brand of heat mat. It only seems to be dimming thermostats and some brands of heat mats that do this, microclimate heatmats won't buzz.
i have the same issue two of my heatmats buzz, the aussie sun heat mat i find will buzz usually only at night so i always turn it down around 11pm , i have mine plugged into a habistat pulse proportional, but ive tried it with other thermostats and it did the same, my URS heat mat will also buzz, i stopped using my Australian Reptile dimming thermostat because it tended to make the heat mat buzz all the time .
so its just the combination of the two? thats a bit of a relief, i will have to get a defferent brand heat mat, the tank is in my room and would drive me insane when im trying to sleep, plus i would of thought the buzzing would annoy the lizards.

anyway thanks for the help guys :)
I've had the same issue with connecting my heatmats to a dimming thermostat. Although was told it was nothing to worry about I wasn't sure. Didn't want my house burning down from a fault sparking so I no longer have any of my older snakes on thermostats. Have the lowest power heatcords or mats that is needed and on a timer bought from bunnings. All my snakes heat comes on at 7am in the morning and goes out at 5pm. My babies on the hatchie rack are on an on/off thermostat, but they are the only ones that have one.
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