Wonder why it seems that every vertebrate i read about has complex social structure and dispersion set up to avoid inbreeding from voles to elephants, ie males in some strategies get ousted from family group or population to avoid in breeding often females stay put and males disperse to avoid in breeding. Plants and trees use the wind or animals to disperse seeds and pollen far and wide, partly i guess to keep gene pool mixed up. Also it has been tested that animals including humans are likely to be less attracted to a mate if related using pheromones and scent tests. I think inbreeding can be potentially bad for anything plant or animal, may sometimes be good in nature for a while. May take many generations or few but likely to end up with problems, ie lots of varieties dogs have been selectively breed and inbreed to be fluffy or aggressive or whatever but often end up with some genetic disorders or disease. Reptiles are not very different from other vertebrates genetically. I think other guy talking about retardation was a simplifying it a bit too much but in nature most life seems to strive to increase genetic diversity by avoiding in breeding for a reason. But the more inbreed humans and dogs are the less intelligent they appear to be, ie compare intelligence of a chihuahua or other silly lap dog to that of its natural self the wolf, or go to Hicksville usa and compare them to city folk for number of fingers and intelligence (joke).
In humans inbreeding has worse consequences as we were almost extinct and all of us descended from a small population so there was a lot of inbreeding a long time ago and we are still suffering from genetic problems due to this and consequences of human inbreeding more pronounced than in snakes. However in reptiles they never had this problem and are more genetically fit than us naked apes so often less genetic problems. But inbreeding isnt good idea genetically and ethically i think. Lineages of very inbreed snakes often have to have some offspring killed and weeded out with recessive genes although less common that some other vertebrates. Probably not going to cause any problems breeding siblings but you decide if you think good idea for yourself after you read about it for yourself, rather than asking a couple of random geezers from some random website.