Coastal or Jungle/ Please Help

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Rob Colbert

Not so new Member
Mar 6, 2019
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Hello everyone, Could I please ask for some help. I was sold a 7 Year old Male Coastal Carpet Python 2 months ago. When I picked it up I said that's more Jungle than Coastal.

My cousin's a breeder and he has said Jungle but I would love everyone advice or suggestions.

Happy days


+1 most likely a cross. Massive head on it. It’s a shame the seller couldn’t give you any details. But the fact he said coastal could mean cape York or northern type which are coastal/jungle which ever way you are inclined. No one could really know.
Thank you for taking the time to give your information. I appreciate it .
Regards Rob
It would be shame if these some of the CB localities are sold without clear details passed on.
Also vise virsa
Now all you can say is you got a carpet python. Full stop.
Private sale as a Coastal. But you are right at the end of the day I have a snake :)
It’s gourgous mate! Eyes a little sunken could be humidity issues. Idk will shed out fine regardless.
Just shed 1 week ago perfect shed accept one spectacle cap which was easily fixed. And funny enough after a visit for regular checkup like you just said we decided to raise the humidity uo slightly. Great pick mate. Appreciate it.
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