crusty gunk in segment of my pythons heat pit

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Active Member
Jun 17, 2007
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hi guys,

I tried searching last couple of evenings to see if there was anything on this but the keywords bring up heaps of stuff, none seeming to be relevent to my problem.

I have recently noticed, about 10 days ago or so, that my 6 month old Bredli has a bit of gunk in 1 segment of her left heat pit.

Tried tonight with a damp cotton bud to rub it, (python didn't seem to mind me holding her head either? lol) but as she's only 6 months old the cotton bud is far to big to get this tiny bit of gunk.

Has anyone ever experienced a problem like this? She seems happy and fine, is still eating and is her normal friendly self. I'm pretty sure its just a bit of debris or it even looks like a bit of hard urate on it.

Any tips? is this likely to come off with her next shed?

Would get a pic but shes a bit reluctant to sit still etc and poor quality camera.

Regards, Michael
If it's just stuff stuck in or on the heat pit, it will come off with the next shed...

yeah its right on the surface of one segment, covering 3/4 of the tiny segment. It just looks as if its sitting there.

Cheers mate.
It should come off during her next shed. If she is othewise well then she should be fine could be a littlle bit of shed left from last time and you didn't notice.
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