cutting heads of mealworms before feeding.

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New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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hi guys
just wanted to see what yous think about cutting the heads of mealworms before feeding them to bearded dragons. have heard you should and have heard you dont need to.
would like to hear what yous think.
I do this for hatchies & juvies, just to be safe. Fully grown get the lot.
you dont need you some ppl just go over bord with stuff like that
but when i had beardies i was told not to feed them mealworms coz they eat the beardie from the in side out lol
but if your woryed about that type of thing you should be doing to the crikets to they got biger bitty things lol
yer thats what i heard they eat them from the inside out.
just is a pain in the bum to cut the heads of them all the time
but better to be safe then sorry
There is no need to, though I don't recommend feeding them at all, def not to small dragons at least. I might use them once a year for a treat to fatten up females after a mass egg laying season but thats about it.
I used to feed Giant Mealworms, whole, to Pygmy beardies. Some may say this is mad, however, being large and whole, the beardies actually chewed them enough to kill them before swallowing and I never had a problem.
As long as you are feeding an appropriately sized worm in appropriate numbers it is not necessary. However, as a food item, mealworms aren't you best choice for many reasons (see the care sheet on my website for specifics).
I feed my 2 adults about 25 mealworms each a week with no dramas (put them in with the bearded dragon pellets). Mix there diet with Roaches and Crickets as well as Carrot and some other vegies (never lettuce)
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