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Not so new Member
Aug 22, 2010
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:( looks like "squishy" is really depressed, she is starting to shed im sure her eyes are all cloudy now and she's just not herself.
She usually comes out in the evening and has a good roam around her enclosure checking out what everyone is doing, but the last 3 nights...Blahhh she looks so miserable and isn't active at all.
This is her first shed with me so i don't know the symptoms, any ideas why the long face ?
Now that her eyes are cloudy how long till she sheds approx ?
About a week.

They dont move around much when they are in 'shed' so dont worry about her not coming out in the evenings.

Give the enclosure a spray a few times in the coming week too. It will help them shed as their skin is moister.
Wow thanx i didnt know that the moist would help..1 less worried mum now
LOL, i call it PSS (Pre Shed Stress) my girl does the whole "i'm not pretty i'm hiding" sulking routine too, while shedding they dont' seem at all comfortable in their skin, and the cloudy eyes means their eyesight is worse than normal, so they feel safer when they hide,

Once her eyes clear it should be within 7 days, and then she will be parading around her tank with the whole 'i'm purdy' look on her face :)

i tried spraying once and it just got her agitated, i now put a kitty litter tray in her enclosure for her to swim in (6ft+ Coastal) and never have an issue.
hahaha PMS / PSS well now u put it like that i know where she's coming from.No really i will sleep a lot easier tonight. It will be nice to have her back to her normal self i miss watching her.
I never sprayed my enclosures for mine. Bredli, woma and spotted they all shed fine. I didn't move any water nearer to the heat source either. sheds in one piece every time!
my 'swimming pool' isnt near heat either, it just sitting in a cool part of the tank in case she needs it
Its great to watch if you can, but if you miss it it will happen again in about 5-6 weeks (PSS LOL) and they always seem to do it at night
My BHP hides for at least 2 weeks when shedding. He likes to be alone in his misery.
I was i could shed and come out new and shiny ..I'd be happy with once a year !
Hehe our stimmie's are in sync Tasha! Mine's been doing same thing last few days n was not himself at all when I got him out last night. He ate though and I'm just gonna leave him be I guess. Miss seein him cruisin around though!
That's why they refer to the pre-slough stage as "Blue", not because of the cloudy appearance or colour of a snake, but because they're depressed until after they shed...

Also, don't freak-out thinking that something is wrong with your snake if you see it thrashing around, gaping and tying itself in knots. That's often how mine attempt to start the old skin peeling off from the snout; like rolling a sock off, inside-out.
Narchy, do you have anything rough for your snake to catch its skin on?

I have never seen any of mine thrash around and tying itself into knots. Maybe a few yawns to break the skin, but thats all.
if she still has not gotten over her pre shed blues try a little PROZAC in her water mine love it !

take your little girl down to your dr at the medical centre pull her out and freak out the DR .

get your little girl to tell the DR that she has pre shed blues and needs some help to over come her depresional state shes in.

the Dr will give you a script for PROZAC and when you get home quarter up the the tab mix it in to her water .

she will feel better in no time.

i then take the other tablets to help me get over mine depression of feeding so many mice and rats to my reptiles .

dont take this seriously !
Narchy, do you have anything rough for your snake to catch its skin on?

I have never seen any of mine thrash around and tying itself into knots. Maybe a few yawns to break the skin, but thats all.
yer i do have a rock in there and she seems to like digging into the reptibark
sometimes i'm in the right place at the right time.......

None of mine have done the 'thrashing' normally lots of yawning and rubbing their heads on things, not on the rough stuff either... quite often on themselves, but they use the rough stuff to hook onto once they have the 'bib and bonnet' going on like the picture above, and i have always imagined it would be similar to taking off a stocking (not pantyhose) without using your hands or other leg...
hahahaha never i wish it was that easy sometimes but the forum helps heaps otherwise id be stressing out, so thanx everyone for your advice and help..I had a unbroken sleep last night ahhhhh lovely.
if she still has not gotten over her pre shed blues try a little PROZAC in her water mine love it !

take your little girl down to your dr at the medical centre pull her out and freak out the DR .

get your little girl to tell the DR that she has pre shed blues and needs some help to over come her depresional state shes in.

the Dr will give you a script for PROZAC and when you get home quarter up the the tab mix it in to her water .

she will feel better in no time.

i then take the other tablets to help me get over mine depression of feeding so many mice and rats to my reptiles .

dont take this seriously !
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