Did i feed too much? HELP

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Ok guys so based on your advice i gave my pygmy beardie more crickets than usual yesterday he ate 8 crickets. He seemed fine afterwood but then i noticed this morning that he is a little lethargic is that a problem or is it just because he has never had a meal that big??? He also had a bit of a wierd poo but im not worried about that it was just a little bigger than usual!

can you guys please help!

Probably ate a bit too much and is a bit bloated. Leave him be and he should be fine.
Yeah im not too sure because some people are saying he is eating too little and others are saying too much. He is three and a half months old so roughly how many crickets should he be eating? he has fresh water and salad every day as well. By the way bearded Lady do you have any pygmies for sale at around the three to four month mark? As i am looking to try and get my big boy to breed next season!
If he's eaten 8, he wanted to eat them, if he ate more - well & good.
If he's bloated as said, which is likely if he's not used to so much food, just make sure his basking spot is high so he can digest properly. Certainly doesn't sound like too much food.
Let your little fella be the one to tell you how much he needs to eat.:)
Thats the way I feed.. I just keep giving my guys crickets until they wont eat more.. They wont eat if they are not hungry, So i figure if they want 8 crickets, let them have 8... if they only want 3 or 4... let them do that... its their stomach, not ours... who are we to judge how much they need on any given day...
one of mine ate so much he loked like a pregnant woman at full term. doing worry about it. he will be fine
thanks renegade by the way does the tank you have for sale come with the stand?
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