Does Anyone Have Any Other Ideas?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
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Hi There,

Ive Recently been thinking of having a Tank made for My BHP.. Ive drawn up a plan And am going to the Builder On Thursday.

I was just wondering if you guys had any ideas on how i can improve my design. Or what else I could add.



Thanks In Advance..
Is that 80cm in width? I presume this is for a hatchy? You'll need another cage in 12 months as it will quickly outgrow that one. Just keep it in a large tub for as long as you can then chuck it straight into a 4ft enclosure, or preferably a 6ft enclosure.
OHH No its All In Millimeters. Its 1m High by 1.2m long. 50cm depth the bottom pic is of the cabnet underneath that it will sit on..
I keep 2.0m plus Bhp in 1200 long by 600 wide x 600 high.
Just about to move the big ones into 1800 long by 600 wide x450 high.
They don't need height, and as mentioned hatchies in a tub until about 800 or 900 long which will probably only be a couple of months.
Ah i see... it would be worthwile making it 600mm deep rather than 500mm, and the further past 1200mm you can push it in length, the better IMO.

I've just built a reptile cabinet out of white melamine which measures 500mm x 500mm x 900mm which will have double hinged perspex doors, allowing full access to the cabinet, unlike sliding doors which only allow half access.

I built it to sell and it's also been designed to be stackable with multiple cabinets the same. It also features a pegboard back for ventilation and will have an additional ventilation panel added.

I don't know what you'll be charged for having something made up by a cabinetmaker, but I expect to sell my unit for $200 or less as soon as material costs have been calculated.

If you live in Sydney, I could build something for you as postage interstate would be expensive. I'll post pictures when completed. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Ahh Thanks Bud.. Im more just getting a made for Later. but my cabinet maker is out of work atm so im getting it made Super Cheap.. Im looking to use it in the future for a big diamond or carpet Ect. Would i need.. I Will be keeping in in a tub until about 1000mm Just because i prefer to. .. Any ideas On Lighting Ventilation? ..Yeh just stuff that can improve on it :) THanks :)
IMO, (I've only had a snake for 4 weeks) but if it's kept indoors near a window, I would personally save money not buying lights for the daytime, so maybe just a pegboard back with some small plastic vents, or have a look online for pictures of cabinets. Good to hear you want to help someone out who needs work and will give it to you at a good price.

Dalbarb makes nice cabinets for retailers, but they have plenty of pics on their site you can get ideas from. Also you could check ebay for pics and ideas.

Sliding doors would give better security against escape at the loss of wide access, or double hinged doors give the access but would need to be securely fastened or locked.

(no links please)

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why dont you get it made out of a material that you would actally like to have furnishing your house. that way it doesn't just look like some junk from ikea.
Just mucking around.

Something like this?


  • Reptile Tank 01.jpg
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i just built a cage for my 5ft by 5ft by 2ft...
the hardenglass was 25 from a salavge place...vents and hinges 20 from bunnings and melmime free,,,,
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