does my snake have mites?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2009
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Niagara Park NSW
so i was just holding my snake when i noticed little black things at first i thought it was just me but then i saw one on him now my first reactions was OMFG MITES !!!!! but when i took a closer look they look like scales that have fallen off?

and that cant be good either som1 please help me i looked din his water bowl and that had nothing in it and all he is also living in a click clack any help is apprecatied

anyoen also no any other methods of checking for mites?
I've heard you can put them in a damp pillow case, and when you take them out, you can see the mites on the pillow case.

I've never had to do this. If any of my snakes have had mites I've seen them in water bowls etc.
would a pillow case be alright for a little hatchling?

i feel so bad if he does. ive be so careful with everything.
damp pillow case will make it hard for the snake to breathe, place the snake on white paper.
he is on paper towl as he is in the click clack and nothing black is on them and i havent seen him in water

i looked at other threads and they said he would have white stuff on him which he doesnt i looekd over him with a magnifying glass to be sure, ill keep a close eye on him during the week
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any lifted scales?
these lifted scales are usually accompianied by a tiny black bulge aka mites
mites will tend to gather towards the front of the snake
If you bed your snake on white paper towel and see nothing on that or in the container, it is most likely not mites. Mites are unmistakable - if you can find nits in your kids hair easy, you would know it if your snake had mites.

The scales you observed could have been retained shed coming off.
try looking in the fold of skin under his chin let him coil around your arm then grab hold of his head flip him over and gentle open the fold and look at it threw a magnifying glass if he has mites chances are you will see them hiding there.another place to check is around his eyes also using a magnifying glass, good luck
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