In reality i dont think either will happen so i guess we will just have to sit back and watch feral populations form and exotic diseases destroy our wild and captive animals
as far as i know nothing is done to sellers on petlink, i chucked up a false advert a while back to see what would happen, i got heaps of people wanting them but no1 telling me it was a bad thing
I got an idea put up an ad like that and just do freight orders send them a cutout of a picture and a note telling them what you think of them. Then they go to the cops and say "I was trying to buy some illegal animals but the guy just sent me a piece of paper":lol:
Yeah but theres a lot more different species here now. The reason a lot of people never declared their stuff last time was because they werent allowed to breed them and sell them. They need to be fair dinkum and realise that exotics are here to stay. Again, i'm not an exotic fan,even if it was legal i wouldnt own one. There's nothing out there that interests me.I think NPWS already had the amnesty a few years ago. It certainly shows that not evrythying was brought in.