Extreme temperatures

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Oct 13, 2021
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Hello all, I have been considering buying a small python for a number of years and have finally decided to begin preparing everything I may need and hash out any concerns Abt the care of the snake itself and a big issue is the location of the enclosure. I am looking at keeping the snake in an enclosure in my uninsulated and unairconditioned shed and a big worry of mine is that the high and low temperatures in winter and summer will poorly effect the health of the snake. I live in the western suburbs of VIC where the weather doesn’t get as extreme as other parts of aus but still can get into the negatives in winter and 40’s in summer. I am moreso worried about the snake overheating in summer than it being too cold in winter as it’s enclosure would have heating, and just wanted to know if it would be possible to keep the snake in the shed or not and also methods others have used to control temperature extremes.
Western Melbourne gets some pretty extreme temperatures. Negative is extreme, over 40 is extreme. Western Melbourne will sometimes get to the mid 40s, that's extreme.

The main difference which makes people think of Melbourne as less extreme is that it doesn't get to the mid 40s often, but the thing people often forget when it comes to temperature extremes or other lethal environmental conditions is that no matter how good and comfortable things are 99.999% of the time, you only need one lethal event for the animal to become permanently dead, even if every other day of the year or decade is perfect.

Temperature is overwhelmingly the most important aspect of keeping reptiles, and something strangely neglected despite its importance. I would never keep reptiles in an uninsulated and unconditioned shed in Western Melbourne, except, maybe, maybe, monitors. Uninsulated sheds in the sun in 45 degree heat often get well over 50-60 degrees inside, and even 40 or so is too hot for snakes.

You'd have issues with the cold temperatures too, even if you provide heating (long story, but the take home message is don't do it).

Give it a proper environment or don't keep it.
G'day mate, getting a small python as a pet is great. Try and keep it in your house, so you can observe it more, if you own an Antaresia, you'd only need to find a 3 or 4 ft. space. Are you able to keep one in the house? Sometimes families can be funny about it, but once you get a snake - they'll soon change they're minds.

My small pythons live in my lounge room, it's good, sorta like a fishtank, but cheaper and easier. Bedroom is also a good option too IMHO. Good luck.

Also, seriously consider Sdaji's post, you'll run into many issues in the shed - it'll cost more to heat, the snake might get sick (keep it well and it'll probably never get sick), as he said - one hot day..
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