Hi Everyone
While i was away over the weekend my spotted python (9 weeks old) had his first shed while i have had him. I knew he was about to shed as i saw all the normal signs... but I didnt realise he had actually shed until i went to clean out his enclosure and lifted his hiding spot to find his skin in there.
As this is my first time with my snake shedding i am not sure if this is normal for them to shed in there hiding spots??? Since he shed in the little rock the skin is all in a pile so i am not able to see if it was a clean shed... it looks like a good shed from what i can see i am just mainly concerned about his head/eyes shedding properly as i have heard some bad things when they dont shed properly.
Would i be able to see the skin on him if he had any problems???
Is this normal?
Thanks very much!!!
While i was away over the weekend my spotted python (9 weeks old) had his first shed while i have had him. I knew he was about to shed as i saw all the normal signs... but I didnt realise he had actually shed until i went to clean out his enclosure and lifted his hiding spot to find his skin in there.
As this is my first time with my snake shedding i am not sure if this is normal for them to shed in there hiding spots??? Since he shed in the little rock the skin is all in a pile so i am not able to see if it was a clean shed... it looks like a good shed from what i can see i am just mainly concerned about his head/eyes shedding properly as i have heard some bad things when they dont shed properly.
Would i be able to see the skin on him if he had any problems???
Is this normal?
Thanks very much!!!