Fun reptile Story

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The best hide for a scrubby like him was up The Legendary Slateman's trouser leg so he started to swiftly slither surruptitiously up the left leg of Slatemans trousers to bring his fantasy to reality when all of a sudden he encountered..........
..........mrs Slates rolling pin! Infuriated, and attempting to protect her own, she began beating it thru the bedclothes when...................... :D
tripping on the rug and breaking his nose on the corner of the bed, screaming in pain....
Mum muuuuum dad is having hazardous huge snake in his pants. Can you......
............."one snake at a time son" said mrs slate, "as for the other one, its time you and your father had a chat about the birds and bees".................... :D
sj then sat down on the bed and asked " what do you mean by the birds and the bees?" Mr slatey and Mrs slatey then said....
The bee stings the bird,then as it plummets to the ground the bee then sneaks up behind the bird and...
Removes the sting, resucitates it and apoligises for what happened. And then the bird gives the bee a magical ride to a mystical land in the clouds when suddenly....

:D :)
then sliced open the stupid monkey pulls out the bird and throws the monkey off the cloud to plummet into an awful death. The bee then carries the bird to the faires which then re-assemble the bird and bring it back to life...
The monkey landed on the ground with a big thud and died...There was a rustle in a nerby bush and out jumped a...
Smooglymacboob wattersonmcbeeglemap and as he examined the mess of monkey meat, and the way the monkeys knee caps protruded out of it's eye sockets he then.....
And then he did something physical and not verbal in any way which was......
...A forty strong mob of killer komodos rocked up and apon hearing the word "Crikey", they attacked and tore the guy to peices, they had been trained to kill when they heard the word "crikey" by the evil Dr Lutz who.......
trained them to kill by singing an arrangement of crikeys until they were drivin insane and only stopped the music when....
yhey have been disrupted by Magpie snake keeper from aps, Known as.......
The legendary water breeder who also knew how to pronounce the word Crikey and at this point uttered it so loudly that the Kimodo Dragons turned their attentions from the messy little Irwinnian puddle towards our Mags who, on seeing this, ...........................
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