glandular fever

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Active Member
Nov 15, 2009
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my doctor told me today that i have glandular fever and i've probably had it for about 4-6 weeks before the symptoms came up - this might be a stupid question but is there any cance i've infected my snake or my rats? should i avoid handling them until i'm better? cos that'll be 3 weeks from now....
no, not transferable to other species. you'll be right, look after yourself. Lots of hot drinks, less sugar, eat healthy and get lots of sleep.
So long as you follow a strict cleanliness protocol (wash you hands) and do not tongue kiss your animals they should be safe. I seriously doubt the virus would effect your reptiles as glandular fever is usually transmitted through saliva - hence the nickname "kissing disease - or something similar" - your animals should be fine :)
It's a non-problem. Which is good, because you can carry the virus near indefinitely after 'getting over it'. I gave it to my girlfriend nearly 4 years after I had it, and I had en extremely mild case of it.
I got sick late last year only a few weeks after being bitten by my diamond. I could hardly get out of bed!! Test after test after test revealled nothing. Couldn't control temperatures. Went to hospital. Glandular fever. I told them about my bite and that got them all worried! hahahaha I knew it probably had nothing to do with the btie but they didn't!!
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