Greebo leaving, why I left and some thought to go forward.

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Feel free to submit some seriously educational herp advice for anyone needing it tony.
:p I dont actually recall anything usefull that you have submitted tony maybe under a different name or a long time ago but nothing recent.Good to see that you wont hold back in anyway bout how you feel,so maybe show us some of your brilliance instead of baffling us with bulls**t. :p
you guys really know how to make peopel feel welcome no wonder he dont come back no more lighten up dudes
I think we are already lightened up. Basically if people don't like the site and don't want to be constructive then don't log in. The way I see it I have this filter thingy (personal choice I think it's called), it works like this.

1. When someone posts a question or a comment I read it (every forum).
2. If I find it interesting, funny or I have something that may aid the person I type stuff in.
3. I then monitor the responses ('cos often I get to learn something).
4. When the posts start going off subject I decide if I want to stay with it or not.
5. If I don't like what I read then I ignore the posts.
6. Sometimes I get a bit fired up (sometimes enthusiastic).

I joined this site after looking at all the others I could find. ALL others were sterile - often informative but sterile - no personality. The one thing that has kept me here is the community - The US connection, The Italian lad, Mr Germany plus others that pop in and out. There are a bunch of regulars and they do spout more stuff (they are the regular contributors). Not everything is to do with reptiles. When you think about it, for there to be a conversation about reptiles and their care, you need people to ask questions. Newbies are often the source of these questions. There is a limit to the number of questions (before they start to repeat) and the answers offered up. Once you run out of subject matter then you go on to chit chat. If we only have serious stuff the community will disappear. If all you want is sterile information I can reccommend some good books and some web sites that will suit you.

Basically if this site doesn't suit you don't bother logging in - it is not compulsory - it is a forum for people to do what they want and that I admit includes complaining about the site. You may or may not find your comments welcome that's the choice of the individual.

If people want more reptile detail then post more detailed questions or comments.


I think he was simply answering your comment, Bartman! :lol: ...and did a pretty good job too, methinks! :lol:
New to this site myself. Have found it and the people excellent. I like the conversational tone, not to mention the controversy! Good to be in a free environment (though the concerns about swearing seems a bit strange. I am NOT condoning abuse of members or swearing at members)

Should the posts go off topic you can always just re-post under a similar name and request further information, problem solved...

I would like to see more book reviews, very happy with this site and given a choice between surfing this site and reading the Win 2000 MCSE book at work I know what I prefer :wink:



"Get a life, Get a Mac and a snake to boot" :twisted:
Doing your MCSE huh Edan :)
Another 'bloody' techo!! Welcome, welcome.. I'm not a techo persay, but am techo affiliated, and I love it.
Go the techos!!! :D
He he he....

You can usually tell the people who work in the computer industry on here.... They're the ones who post a reply as soon as a topic starts.... :D

Ahhh, you've gotta love a job where they pay for you to surf the Net all day! :p

Another techo, but specialising in pre-press and Adobe products (ah, the fruits of a visual arts degree). Thinking of expanding my skills, MCSE seems to be the way, but whenever I see that dreaded book in front of me this site seems like a better option. Maybe I should take up basket weaving instead. LOL

No wonder the IT industry crashed, I guess I should do some work now...
Thanks Dan,

Have not pegged a date for the exam yet. Just considering it. Like I said, keep on looking at the rather large 1600 page book decide I can escape into these rooms instead :oops:

Yep, almost feeling guilty ;)
Try using the companion disk, it helps, I am taking my cert after I finish my networking degree.
It's a pretty huge task to go through that book hey! But in the end, you can then ask for anoth 5-10K on top of your pay once you have the certification!!! (That's 1-2 Green Tree Pythons a year!!! :D )
GTPs.. Hehhee if that's not motivation I dunno what is :lol:
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