He like his small hide..??

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New Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Hi all..Just a quick question..My MD seems to like his hide that is way to small for him..he cant even fit his entire body inside..He has 4 hides which are all different sizes..I have moved the hides around and he will still use the small hide..I have seen him in the other hides but he doesnt stay there for long as he does in the smaller one, which he sleeps in..I thought about taking the small hide out but haven’t yet..should I just leave it alone..he is a placid guy and has yet not attempted to bite..what do you think?? Any ideas as to why he does this would be appreciated.

Maybe he is thinking 'if I can't see them, they can't see me' :lol:

I know its normal for them to like snug hides, where they fit tightly, but he's..like, not fitting at all :lol:

Have you changed what end you put the small one in? Hot and cold?
And if so, does he still use the small one no matter where it is?
Nah, he'll be fine, once he realises he's got bits still showing he may shift to another one, but my two also favoured a particular hide which was big enough for both in the beginning, it became a race to see who would get in there first, so the other would sit and sulk outside! It eventually only hid her first coils, as the others hung out from under the bottom of it where she had pushed hard enough to lift the bottom edge and hang the surplus bits outside!!

They realised eventually how futile it was, and don't even bother hiding most of the time now, despite the hide they now have that fits both in a snuggle again. They get favourite spots, and that pot is obviously your little guy's pick.
haha dipcdame, i had exact same situation with my guys! there are enough hides for them to both have hides, yet they still try to go into the same one, which would be fine if i gave them big hides, but i prefer to offer 'snug' hides, which my guys seem to really enjoy and prefer, as most snakes would i guess
but i prefer to offer 'snug' hides, which my guys seem to really enjoy and prefer, as most snakes would i guess
Same with my jungles - the tighter the place, the more desirable it is.
There are plenty of wide hiding spots in their enclosure where one could fit comfortably... but I guess, their definition of comfort is different to ours.
There are plenty of wide hiding spots in their enclosure where one could fit comfortably... but I guess, their definition of comfort is different to ours.
So true, there is one hide that is such a tight squeeze for them that it has to be weighted down so they can get in without it flipping...but its their favourite! haha
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