How do I convince the other half we need more!!!

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Well we sat down and had a big chat about me getting more snakes etc, and he told me why he said no. At this stage im a uni student and he works full time. I dont get much $$ at all and he is on a very good wage. No any animal we get/have Im the one who pays for 90% of food/vets bills etc and this is fine as Im the one who wanted them in the 1st place. His concern is if we get anymore pets if something happened to him (while im still at uni) I would have to leave uni, get a job and support him, all the pets, pay all the bills and pay off the house etc. So his thinking is no for now but when I finish uni and im working we will re asses the situation!!! Now if he said that to me instead of just flat "no" i could understand and I would not of pestered him with pics of cool reptiles etc and my ideas!

So only 3yrs left of uni then look out for sale section on here!!! Gives me some time to build some nice enclosures and learn more I say!!! :) ;)
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