How fast do they move if you let them out?

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May 29, 2008
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I'd like to give my snakes some time in the sun on a lawn, but I'm worried they will take off and the last thing I will see is a tail heading for the creek ... :rolleyes:

How fast can/will (two different things) captive bread snakes move if you take them out and let them go for a slither in some grass?


i have jungles, bredlis and carpets. and usually once every couple of weeks i will take one at a time out the front onto our larger driveway, we have a big rocked area, so its good for the snakes to hav a wonder. generally pretty slow, i always hav a hook with me anyway, incase they head in the wrong direction i just hook them and move them in the other direcetion (if that made sense. its late. lol )
i use to have a 9 yr old carpet who was quite large, and he moved at a decent speed, but never anything i had to worry about. smaller the snake the easier to loose. alot of people will say watch out for birds too, whilst i havnt ever had a problem with birds, best to always keep a look out. but i never take hatchies or small snakes outside. to much of a risk.
I just got one of those clothes drying racks for $2 from the reject shop, I set it up outside and put snakeys on it, they climb all over it and don't try to get away.
I just got one of those clothes drying racks for $2 from the reject shop, I set it up outside and put snakeys on it, they climb all over it and don't try to get away.

hi the.badger
i mentioned using these is a post a few weeks ago as its a great way of entertaining your snake whilst cleaning out its enclosure,it also provides lots of climbing space and is good exercise for the animal
I just got one of those clothes drying racks for $2 from the reject shop, I set it up outside and put snakeys on it, they climb all over it and don't try to get away.

I bought one of them, too, but most of my snakes are getting too big for it now. The lines are too thin for them to hold on.

My Port Macs are quite slow movers - especially my Opals. She likes to sit in one spot, lift her head up off the ground and look around.

My olives on the other hand, still like to put their head up and look about but you touch them they move like grease lightning :lol: I only have a small yard so when they get to the fence I pick them up and go back to the other side so they can wander off again. When I put Stella (female olive) down she starts to take off so fast I wonder if I would catch her if she kept that pace up. But she doesn't. She doesn't try to escape.
Pythons are slow compared to elapids.

I was cleaning out one brown snake enclosure once and afterwards i put it down in the back. To let it have a look around.

It took of like a bullet so never again with an elapid, pythons though never had a problem.
I let ours out every few days Just watch out for birds that can and will swoop at you snakes
Mate they dont move that fast. Most of the time they are abit scared at the start and take a couple of mines to get there bearings. Just watch out for birds at all times.
I took my little children's hatchling outside when it was about 6 months old and let it have a slither around on the grass and the next minute I knew it was disappearing down a hole. Luckily I managed to grab it in time and I just held on gently until it released itself and came out.
I just got one of those clothes drying racks for $2 from the reject shop, I set it up outside and put snakeys on it, they climb all over it and don't try to get away.

Im getting a Stimson python and want to take him outside for a couple of minutes during the day, so I bought one of these too, but I have made up a wooden cube wrapped in fly wire that fits over the top of the clothes rack (hope that makes sense) :lol: so if my back is turn for five minutes I know he wont be able to shoot off
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