How often to clean the snake cage?

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Once a week unless it poos. Always have fresh water too.
I just use warm water with a few drops of disinfectant., dry it afterwards and let it air for a bit before i put snakes back in.
:rolleyes:Hey how often should i clean my juvenile centralian carpet pythons snake cage?:D
What can i clean it with?

depends on your substrate.... i use both news paper and marine carpet so for my news paper tanks i replace it weekly or whenever they crap... which ever comes first.... and for my carpet substrates i spot clean whenever it is dirty and replace it with a fresh piece every 2 weeks.... and further to that roughly once a month its a good idea to give it a total clean out with whatever reptile safe cleaning product u wanna use.... some people will do it more often,, some less... thats just what i do and its working for me... just so u have a rough idea...
I use paper towel and news paper as a substrate.

The newspaper I replace atleast one per week.

The paper towel I repalce every couple of days as the Womas keep on throwing water everywhere around their click clacks lol.
I clean my cages out twice weekly. I use newspaper as a substrate and F10 as a disinfectant. If the snake makes a mess, I clean that up straight away.

I think if you clean your snake's cage out once per week, that should be fine. Buying F10 is quite a large initial outlay, but once you calculate the cost per litre when it's diluted, it works out to be very cost effective.
7-10 days, or if they poo earlier. I don't need to clean my Children's python's enclosure to often at the moment, he wont eat.....
replace water daily and clean out poop when it's there, and clean cage once a week.
youse news paper clean my banks every 3 days with water down pineoclean and f10 after I dry the pineoclean and once every 3 cleans i youseT.O.D just be safe and fresh water every day
Thanks i have put desert sand in the cage. Is this any good? and if not would it effect my python in any way by changing from sand to newspaper???:D
i use aspen snake bedding so cleaning is pretty casual but im a neat freak and clean the glass, hides and bowls weekly just for presentation purposes. and take the aspen out around the poo area and replace with more aspen.bit expensive but i love it.
Newspapers the go, substrates like sand and other fine materials are a pain to clean, news paper doesn't look the best but I know personally people are more likely to clean the cages more often when its easier and thats the reason for myself spot cleaning the cages daily because its easy and not a chore with newspaper
Aspen bedding, fresh/new newspaper, breeder's choice kitty litter, paper towel or marine carpet, marine looks good, but aspen bedding is more natural IMO.
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