how to report pet shops

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2008
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...mornington peninsula...
hi all i was wondering on how you report a pet shop for cruelty ...i will not name the shop on here as the APS rules but one i visited on tuesday had a dead lizard in it that i pointed out to what seemed to be the 12 yr old workers.......and this is not the first time last time i went in there ...i also had to tell someone a parrot was bleeding under its wings ...and another time a kitten looked like it was only 4-5 weeks old up for sale and was skin and i go right to the reptile section always there enclosures seem to always be in fith looking like they were the last time i went there.......i always walk out of that shop with the feeling of wanting to buy everything in there not because i fell in love but because i feel sorry for my question is who do i report them to DSE or RSPCA or some where else cheers
They get away with it because people still buy the animals cause they feel sorry for them. The best way to get this sort of thing to stop would be if no one bought there at all and the shop had to shut down as a bankrupt business.
Is this place still open?? How so? I know the RSPCA is useless but honestly! Id go to ACA, the newspapers etc. Letters to the editors of local newspapers etc. Radio programs? Make some noise & someone will listen. What about the channel nine program, Animal Rescue? Nearly 18 months have many animals have also passed in this time? I don't know if I can do anything from here but I'm going to have a go! This place must be stopped!
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