Well-Known Member
hi all i was wondering on how you report a pet shop for cruelty ...i will not name the shop on here as the APS rules but one i visited on tuesday had a dead lizard in it that i pointed out to what seemed to be the 12 yr old workers.......and this is not the first time last time i went in there ...i also had to tell someone a parrot was bleeding under its wings ...and another time a kitten looked like it was only 4-5 weeks old up for sale and was skin and i go right to the reptile section always there enclosures seem to always be in fith looking like they were the last time i went there.......i always walk out of that shop with the feeling of wanting to buy everything in there not because i fell in love but because i feel sorry for my question is who do i report them to DSE or RSPCA or some where else cheers