How to worm beardies??

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Ballina-ish Northern NSW
Hey guys

I have a beardie that isnt putting on weight very well and am wondering if i should worm her?? Is it bad to worm beardies and is it worm doing all 3 at the same time?? Also how do you worm a beardie etc??

Thanks guys!

You can buy worm-aid, you give it orally.. get a fecal done to see if it has worms first.. vet costs about 20dollars anything over 40dollars for a fecal find somewhere else.. buy some jump-start.. its given orally and will get it feeding.
Why worm it if there is nothing wrong? get a fecal to see if it has parasites.. Otherwise buy a tube of jump start. If it wont eat after that then I'd say it would have parasites. Is your husbandry good? temps correct? worms isn't the only thing that will stop them eating.

Why get a fecal sample done?? Is it dangerous to worm a beardie??
Nah i meant why pay to see if it has worms if it does no harm worming in the first place, my other 2 beardies are putting on weight fine so thats what makes me think it may be worms. Any other suggestions??
Are they kept in the same enclosure? Could be the other 2 are dominant feeders..

Try separating her..
they are in the same enclosure but they are fed separately. They don't fight or really bother each other except to sit ontop of one another and sleep. Because of the age difference between them all i made sure from the beginning they were fed separately.
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