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Someone who doesn't keep reptiles was admiring my GTPs and asked; "is there anything nicer than these?" I replied, "I suppose there is, everyone wants blue, calico, high yellow, mite phase, etc., chondros in these days". She said "Gee, isn't nice green (as in colour) good enough anymore?"
I pondered over her question for a while.

You also had a young lady bring her husband up there not long ago to pick him out a birthday present.....although she wasn't a big fan of snakes she feel in love with your beautiful GTP's and not only brought more then she intended, she fell in love with GTP's and has (hopefully) overcome most of her fear of snakes in general. A pure Aussie GTP is a very beautiful sight to behold in real life....

Thanks Michael :D
Cross breeding can give you an instant result....but what about the less desirable looking ones ?? and where do you go next ?? At least with pure lines it is all pretty straightforward
Surely you don't really believe that?Have you seen a clutch of coastals? If you have, you'd have seen how much variety is within a clutch.When someone posts up a jungle they bred which looks amazing, but they won't post a pic of its sibling that is on the opposite end of the scale.
I'm on the fence. There are some stunning Jags/Morphs/New "mixes" and I won't take away the hard work that people do to produce them, even if I'm a fan of more pure lines, I appreciate all the hard work people do in both directions.
Bad, they dont even sound like a real car:rolleyes:.
Oh you mean cross-breeding, its gonna happen to the reptile industry here like it has overseas so not much can be done about it.
I think it loooks amazing, and is definitely something special!!

Can I ask though, would this be legal in aus? -Vic nsw or qld in particular?
I'm absolutely against it ... If it doesn't happen in the wild, then who are we to play God???
I also believe that we should be keeping lines as clean as possible and the animals looking as natural as possible so we can help educate the public better, even if we aren't demonstrators!

What happened to all this being taboo not even 2yrs ago??? What, because it's so hard to control, and you can't "frown apon" everyone you just go with it?! the phrase "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" comes to mind.

Keep animals as clean as possible. Natural is a lot more beautiful than crosses any day. And before any of you tell me "if you were given one, you wouldn't complain". Yes, I would actually, and I would get rid of it. I don't want to be affiliated with them in any way.

Just my opinion.

so does this mean you are also against IVF in humans?
In all honesty this pairing was accidental, the male jaguar was put in with a pair of gtp's to encourage the male gtp. Only the male gtp took a back seat and let the jaguar take control of the matter.
I didnt do any temperature changing male switching or any of the other methods to produce hybrids, this was a straight forward mating. I aim to produce pure gtp's but must say these hatchlings are something different.

Enjoying all your replys by the way :)
You also had a young lady bring her husband up there not long ago to pick him out a birthday present.....although she wasn't a big fan of snakes she feel in love with your beautiful GTP's and not only brought more then she intended, she fell in love with GTP's and has (hopefully) overcome most of her fear of snakes in general. A pure Aussie GTP is a very beautiful sight to behold in real life....

Thanks Michael :D

I thought it was funny, after telling you how placid they are, the juvenile had a shot at my hand as soon as took off the lid. How embarrassing. :lol:
I thought it was funny, after telling you how placid they are, the juvenile had a shot at my hand as soon as took off the lid. How embarrassing. :lol:
not at all , and cant wait to get the new guys , wish the authorities would pull their fingers out and get the import paperwork back to us
Sure, there is a place for both; natural and "man-made" hybrids and I am personally not or against it as long as the hybridising is kept at low key. It's illegal and that should always be on the mind of the hybrid breeders - the less they talk about it ...... post about it on forums, etc., the better. Why?

Currently, there is a very live topic being discussed about bringing the Oenpelli python into captivity and as we know, the wildlife agencies are making it most difficult, blocking it whichever way they can. What's stopping them from saying "no, we won't let them into the hobby because you will turn them into some morph or hybrid". Could you blame them?

I would like to see the day when pure native breeders will be allowed to take a few specimens from the wild to enrich the genetic pool in their collections or even other species, such as locality specific Morelia. If hybridising species and morphing proliferates in the hobby, my hope will become a dream and people like me will have to distance ourselves from the "hobby" and form some sort of new group. I don't want things to go that way but .......

I think it loooks amazing, and is definitely something special!!

Can I ask though, would this be legal in aus? -Vic nsw or qld in particular?

Sub-species mating is legal in Vic as there's M. bredli, M. spilota spilota, M. viridis, the rest are M. spilota variegata on license. So technically a coastal x jungle is legal or an inland x darwin.
Well said Michael. We have similar sentiments, although I'm strongly against hybrids.
I think it's a real shame that some hobbyists bastardize their animals.
As you suggest Michael, this issue essentially separates hobbyists from herpers. I suppose it depends on where you are coming from. Some people just want a pretty pet and others have a deep and profound understanding and respect for the integrity of our native wildlife.
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so does this mean you are also against IVF in humans?

Yes, it does ... and I can say that because I know I will need IVF to have children some day. If you're not meant to reproduce, there is a reason why. Why push your luck? No offence to all the great parents out there who have done it, a few of my close friends have had to go through IVF, I just think that if your body can't naturally repoduce, then that's natures way of keeping out the weak-links in the gene pool. (pitty it doesn't work for some of the bogans :lol: )

*grabs popcorn and dons fire suit*
The thing that bugs me about Wildlife authorities kicking up a stink about something like this is they never seem to be out protecting snakes from the ones who hate them, but rather prosecuting the ones who love them.

Personally I think the animal looks great, and as long as they are being sold with the buyer fully aware of what they are purchasing I see no problem. There's designer everything out there these days, this is no different.
Yes, it does ... and I can say that because I know I will need IVF to have children some day. If you're not meant to reproduce, there is a reason why. Why push your luck? No offence to all the great parents out there who have done it, a few of my close friends have had to go through IVF, I just think that if your body can't naturally repoduce, then that's natures way of keeping out the weak-links in the gene pool. (pitty it doesn't work for some of the bogans :lol: )

*grabs popcorn and dons fire suit*

OOOHHHH oooowww this is going to get some interesting comments....

What about those who have already had a child but through ovarian cancer or something can no longer have another one? Their bodies were originally able to produce but they will need IVF to have any further children?

Although I think we have strayed off topic.

Will be nice to see how this little one develops and if it changes colour/has any problems when its older etc.

Most of the "designer everything" is not protected by law and illegal to create. That's the difference.

OK have heard this a few times now. Is this little one illegal and if so why? or is it people just don't like the x/morph however you want to explain it?

Does that mean my little RPM Het is also illegal?
As posted in the in a thread on the same topic in May:

Dog breeders have been corssing lines for years.

hell they even market such specifially, ie Labradoodles

Maybe we need some smancy cross breed names. . . .

Anyone for a Diamondoodle or "Dime-Costa"

Just stiring the pot. . .​
While I won't brow beat those who choose to own one I would never own one myself, breed them or sell any animals to people intending to create hybrids with them.
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