i think my coastal hatchy is gonna die :-(

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Not so new Member
Mar 24, 2009
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I have a coastal hatchy, male, I've had him for around 4 months and he hasnt eaten since i got him. he also had trouble Shedding just recently so i took him to the vet and they gave him some needle's which made him worse now he looks like he has gone blind in one eye and one side of his face is all swollen. He also has a real scabby looking patchdown the back of his neck. I'm not sure if the enclosure he's in is set right either as every night the humidity climbs up to around 90% and when i turn the light on during the day slowly falls back to 50% but won't gop any lower. Can someone help me with my little boy please or should i take him to a good vet again.
Where do you live? In this case I think it needs an experienced keeper not a vet, it would be better being kept in a click clack and sounds like it needs to be force fed asap. the poor shedding is probably from malnutrition from not eating.
sounds like he needs acouple of assisted feeds but id take him to a decent vet with good experiance first. hope hes all good soon.
I live near Brissie do you know any experienced keepers around here that would help me get him back on track. also with a click clack how do i keep it at the right temp and humidity, or would i be better off building a small timber enclosure and setting it up
7litre sistema tub, heat mat under half, hide in the hot end, water bowl in the cold end.... hopefully someone in brissy will shoot you a pm offering to help..
thanks jason you've been extremely helpful. i'll try to get that set up today. if i got enuff cash to buy a heat mat. but yer hopefully i can find someone to help.
Deception Bay vet clinic Dr clayton knight.07 3888 3677
do a quick search on here for him and you wil see the reputation he has is impressive. is a really nice guy to deal with.
good luck
it may also be a good idea to contact the people (breeder or shop?) that you got him from and let them know whats happening they may be able to help you out as well.
if you havent got another heat mat or heat lamp you can put the click clack inside the bigger cage and make sure one sides under the heat lamp or heat mat in there. 50% or even 60% humidity is ok. 90%'s too high.
Thanks for your help everyone but i tried him again today after i put him in a click clack and he took 2 pinkies one after the other unassisted so hopefully he'll keep eating. But Thanks again your help has been much appreciated
dont you love that some ones help has saved this python, great work jasonL.

can i ask what enclosure you had him in b4
Thanks for your help everyone but i tried him again today after i put him in a click clack and he took 2 pinkies one after the other unassisted so hopefully he'll keep eating. But Thanks again your help has been much appreciated

That is fantastic news :D Temperature is always the number one problem with difficult feeders. Regardless of your heat source being correct, his cool end is room temperature, which, at this time of year, is colder than normal. We had a recent break through with a stubborn feeder which has happy results.

I would not be concerned too much about the humidity. although it would be considered high for older snakes, youngsters really should have humidity to assist their shedding. Just keep an eye on the condensation in the tub that it isn't cold.
great new that it took a feed. sounds like it was stressed in a (large) enclosure. i guess you can thank JasonL for his great advice
I had him in one of those professional built glass tanks with the mesh top and sliding front doors. it was about 3 foot long but now that he is out i put Nibbles my 3 foot coastal in there. but yer thanks again to everyone especially JasonL and jonno. It's also good to see everyone else's appreciation to the ones willing to help. Good work all and Thanks again
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