Is my Beardie OK? Is he just shy?

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How did you get them used to feeding on greens occasionally?

I am growing my own organic dandelion.

He has just got used to eating out of a tub where I throw 1 woody in at a time so I am making some progress, and just ordered some silk worm eggs so when they are lttle juicy worms I will eb alternating the live food.

Today he has eaten about 20 woodies, an hour after a feed I let him bask, then I make him have a swim then he poops, lol you knwo when he poops, he just wants to get outta the water.

The only concern I still have is that he basks with his eyes closed! But he is still active, hunts down the woodies fine, swims fine, climbs my hand\arm fine, lifts his chest off the ground when basking and knows the cool spot of the enclosure.
jibba, young beardies diet is predominantly insects (they say 80%) so your 20% veg would be quite normal. and our little pygmy just went off the food for a over a day after my daughter gave him a huge feed of crickets :)

I wouldnt worry, sounds like he's going fine
everyday give him some vegies he will eventually try them. sometimes they wont and sometimes they will eat them.
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