Have noticed these marks on my Albino Python, he shed overnight, so I'd thought I'd take pics this arvo, however as you can see, he still has some left, but thought I'd hold off on soaking him till I found out what this was, in case it is scale rot. No sign of mites in water bowl, or seen him soaking in it.
He is a bit more sluggish than usual, put that down to the natural drop in temps over Winter, though he's always fed year round.
On a side note, He hasn't eaten (or been remotely interested in food) since end January/early Feb. Offered every f/night, tried smaller sized rats, brained them, bumped temps up, nothing. Has been in hunting mode several times and seemed really keen, but when offered rat, has not eaten them.
Background - Albino Darwin, 4yo (had since hatchy) had in new enclosure for a month. In same spot as previous one, so nothing has changed there.
New set up has 100w IR globe (simply because the 75w floodlight globe i bought from bunnings wasn't hot enough) on a thermostat, cage around globe, no sharp pieces anywhere, and was F10'd thoroughly by me when I bought it a few weeks back.
Temps sit at around 32 on the branch right under the globe, has a large water tub for soaking (it's quite dry in SA, especially in the summer) hide with tile on top, different branches to get near or further from heat.
Substrate is newspaper.
Okay, pics.

He is a bit more sluggish than usual, put that down to the natural drop in temps over Winter, though he's always fed year round.
On a side note, He hasn't eaten (or been remotely interested in food) since end January/early Feb. Offered every f/night, tried smaller sized rats, brained them, bumped temps up, nothing. Has been in hunting mode several times and seemed really keen, but when offered rat, has not eaten them.
Background - Albino Darwin, 4yo (had since hatchy) had in new enclosure for a month. In same spot as previous one, so nothing has changed there.
New set up has 100w IR globe (simply because the 75w floodlight globe i bought from bunnings wasn't hot enough) on a thermostat, cage around globe, no sharp pieces anywhere, and was F10'd thoroughly by me when I bought it a few weeks back.
Temps sit at around 32 on the branch right under the globe, has a large water tub for soaking (it's quite dry in SA, especially in the summer) hide with tile on top, different branches to get near or further from heat.
Substrate is newspaper.
Okay, pics.