Jungle Carpet help

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Feb 15, 2009
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New to this site and I'm getting my license within the next month or so and then I'm looking to buy a Jungle carpet python :) Basically I was just wondering what size tanks/cages I will need from purchase (hatchling) to full grown. And what are good heating sources and decor for the cage? And some basic info on Jungle carpet's temperament

When I got my first jungle, I now have 2, the first was in a 5L tub and she was 5months. I moved her up to a 28/30L tub with a 12 Watt heatmat, then the heat was a problem, so I went out and bought a 2ft Pine cage. I then got the second Jungle 3-4months later, he was in a tub, roughly 8L and he was 7-8months.... I got him home, and I pretty much immediately put him into a 28-30L tub with the same 12 watt heat mat. Heat was then again a problem.
So I went out a bought a 2ft cage. These cages were quite cheap.

When I got the 2 ft cages for each of them, I was using 60W inferred heat globe. By the time summer was approaching, I put them down to 50W's.
Towards the end of December last year, I started building enclosures that are 1750mm High, 730mm Wide, and 600mm Deep. I am using 75W heat globes.
A jungle will easily live in a Enclosure that big from 1 year old..

Just make sure you have hides, water, branches for climbing, they love climbing, and the right heating source.

Hope this helps.
I think you should gradually step a baby up in tub sizes until he is about 1 or 2 years old, and let him have an enclosure later. Babies can be nervy and snappy in an enclosure that is too big for them. Even if we think it shouldn't be too big, it is the snake's behaviour that will let you know. Jungles are reputable for being snappy so you don't want to provoke him if you can help it. Start off with a small tub sitting on a heatmat. I would try a lower wattage heatmat than what trouser snake6 has used. An 8 or 10W. It doesn't sound that much difference but if it drops the heat a couple of degrees that is a big difference. In my plastic tubs I have one row of air holes right around the tub, but on the cool end I have three rows. It isn't really relevant how many holes you have so long as he has plenty and can't squeeze out.

Jungles require very little different than any other carpet. So long as he has one or more hides, a water bowl and the heat under one-third of his tub he will be fairly happy.

Congratulations on getting your license. You have chosen a challenging snake as your first, but also one of the most pretty of our carpet pythons. Your confidence will grow with your snake.
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