Keeping collette's

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
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I have a firm interest in Collette's, ever since seeing a big one in the flesh at a croc farm in FNQ. I am not sure if I am ready to take the step into keeping elapids but I would certainly like to know the requirements of keeping collettes. Now I know you are going to say ask the questions so here goes.
What size enclosure does an adult require?"
Do hatchies fair better in a click clack like pythons?
What temp gradient should I be aiming for?
Is newspaper an appropriate substrate, and if not what is?
Who is breeding and selling hatchoes each season?
If there is anything I have not thought of please feel free to chuck it in there.
I dont think there is any requirements specific to collettes. Keep them at the same temp you would keep any specie from central to northern australia. They lay eggs and the juveniles are quite large compared to other pseudechis (blacksnakes). so you might have to have a slighter larger container to keep the young in. Adults can grow over 2 metres. The pair I had were quite docile, good captives. beautiful snakes. newspaper is fine. they should do well in appropriate sized click clacks. Dont Know who is breeding them. They used to be much more common in captivity in the nineties.
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Thanks for the reply emerald_taipan
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