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Not so new Member
Apr 28, 2005
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I have a 3 year old Bredli who's a lovely snake, never bites, is handled regularly, and is about 6ft in length.

He is kept in a 4ft, by 4ft tank that's 2 ft deep.

I was wondering what is the go with introducing another snake?
I've been keen to get a jungle or a diamond for ages now but don't have the room for another large tank. Can I introduce other snakes in with my Bredli?

What size do they need to be?

NO. There have been that many threads on this its not funny. Just buy a completely seperate enclosure, not hard and eliminates the risk of any heartache.. If you don't have room for another enclosure than the answer is simple, don't get another snake.

Not to mention the issue of quarantine which noones cares about. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
you dont

only when breeding do you put snakes in the same enclosure

some people will tell you its okay but i throw them in with the same lot that say its okay to play russian rulette

wich is what your doing with a snakes life one day one will eat the other and never put differant speices together.
Nah bro they can't really go together. The only pythons i would house communally are male female pairs of the same species, so you don't end up with unwanted hatchies or have combat problems. Unless you're aiming to produce hybrids.
you dont

only when breeding do you put snakes in the same enclosure

some people will tell you its okay but i throw them in with the same lot that say its okay to play russian rulette

wich is what your doing with a snakes life one day one will eat the other and never put differant speices together.

That's bollocks. Snakes can and do live together quite well given the right enclosure and conditions.
just cuz its never happend to you doesnt mean it doesnt happen wich it does quite often so i fail to see why anybody with half a brain would risk it outside of breeding.
the friend who owned my tank previously had 3 snakes all in the one tank. but yeah, I was unsure.
ofcourse it can all it would take is for a bit of food scent to be on one snake or one snake to be hungry and marginly bigger and bang you down a snake.

they do not socialise in the wild except when breeding and thats only for a short period of time.

most snakes will cannibalise. if you really must keep them together make sure they are the same size same spiecies and opposite sexes. and make sure the enclosure is biggenough that if they want to they can get away from eachother and never ever feed them together or feed one and then not the other make sure they are both fed seperatly.

and after they are fed make sure you keep them seperated for atleast 24hrs then give them both a wash afterwards.

its not really worth the risk or the effort just get another enclosure or build one if you cant afford another enclosure. the vast majority of people on here will tell you the same thing i have said dont keep them together.
its the same as putting beardies on sand why risk it.

No it's very different to that.

just cuz its never happend to you doesnt mean it doesnt happen wich it does quite often so i fail to see why anybody with half a brain would risk it outside of breeding.

Have you been to a zoo lately? Or a reptile park? They must all have down syndrome!

In the right conditions and right species it can be done and done quite succesfully.
and considering the two other species you wanted are generally smaller than a centralians (jungles only get 1.5 meters maybe 1.8 at a streatch and diamonds get 1.8 -2.0 on average where as a bredli averages 2.0-2.4)
i wouldnt work anyway.
they are also moniterd religiously and the first guy who told me not to do it was a zoo keeper the amount of money they put into the enclosure and the sheer size means the snake almost never have to come into contact with each other. a private collector wouldnt have the space or the cash to be able to provide the snakes the freedom of space to survive together. yes it can be done but it is always a risk and any inexpiriance keeper shouldnt try it and the more expirianced ones who do imo still shouldnt. as has been said by plenty of people on here and in the reptile world in general "why risk it."
It's definitely a risk. It just gets my goat when people say it can't be done because it can be done and done with alot of success. I do it and quite a few people i know do it. The snakes are healthy and they produce clutches every year.

It is alot more common than you think and alot less dangerous than you think. There are some species that shouldn't be housed together, such as black heads, womas and mulgas, but there are others that will generally do it without a care in the world. Like you just conceded in your previous post it can be done under the right conditions.
i keep my childreni together and so far so good . they have been together most of there life from the previous owners.

friends of mine keep diamonds together in aviarys aswell as coastals in aviarys and here probably alot of other people keeping bredlis ,jungles etc together with no issues what so ever.

at the sydney wildlife world there is 2 huge scrubs with a water dragon

and i;ve seen diamonds bigger than 2metres in captivity
its still imo not worth the risk and i never said it cant be done its just really risky and an inexpiranced keeper shouldnt try it.
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