Lets all face it.
The real experts dont comment on little forums like this one.
They are far too busy doing what they do best.
There are some experts on here and quite few a people with at least half a clue as to what they are talking about.
Lets all face it.
The real experts dont comment on little forums like this one.
They are far too busy doing what they do best.
There are some experts on here and quite few a people with at least half a clue as to what they are talking about.
I only have a quarter clue... Or maybe 1/8th... Perhaps 1/16 depending on the topic.... But I'll still put it out there for the general public to rub it in my face - to prove you don't need to be a genius to give the worst possible advice!!!!
I look at it this way cris, I'm wrong on the subject once.
and the most common causes to snake bites in Australia are
You're not pilot (I hope) -Peter.... (Once is too many times to get landings wrong)
The most common cause of snake bites are snakes surely?
i dont know about coastals, but inland tai's have NEVER killed, bitten maybe(unlikely),but not killed...well....on record, we dont know about any randoms, or aboriginals, but on record there are no deaths from inland taipans
would that be in uhmm say gawler at petstop? they have good reptiles there but their resident 'expert' is uhmm well lets say the cat there knows more! sorry but thats my opinion, but unfortunately im going there on saturday and hopefully smigga and rocket haven't bailed and will still be going.
I know a man who was bitten by an inland taipan in the Hunter Valley in NSW. He was in a bad way but pulled through. I think they had to helicopter anti-venom down from Brisbane for him.